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Since I often have a hard time finding a safe place to rant about baseball, I thought I'd take advantage of the old reliable HSBBW and open up a new can of rants with my web friends. Please feel free to chime in.
Here's a rant for any and all sympathetic ears.

My son's HS coach does not allow his pitchers to throw inside. AT ALL!
All of his locations are away, and he actually gets pissed off when an opposing batter gets plunked!
Son's ERA is up, his walks are up, and my BP is up just thinking about this moronic approach to pitching.
Coach is a big Alpha type, my way guy, and he doesn't take suggestions well. My son is not allowed to shake pitches, and he's very uncomfortable even considering approaching him on the topic. I too know better than to get involved with this lunacy.
I suppose this will all be a mildly uncomfortable afterthought once my son moves on to college next year, but it sure stinks right now.
Phew! I feel much better. Thanks for listening.
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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