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As many of you know Baseball America (BA) and Perfect Game (PG) both rate/rank high school players. I was looking at the ratings of different players on both sites and find different results.

When I looked at a couple of players I know on the BA site they have no "stars" or appear unrated. Yet this same player is rated/ranked very highly on PG.

Can these two separate rating/ranking systems be compared?

Do disparities like this matter?
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Originally posted by AL MA 08:
Do disparities like this matter?

No. I don't think so. We all have a good idea how PG evaluates players. But Infield08 raises a good question. Where does BA get its information to base their rankings on? Are they polling scouts, or do they have their own staff large enough to cover the HS guys?
Ratings and rankings will always be a hot topic --- nature of the beast. Ratings and ranking are not black and white but rather opinions, perceptions, and projections. They can be right on, close, partially right, or they can be way off. They are important but not nearly as important as I think some people have come to believe. What a player actually IS is of utmost importance -------- what one person or one organization THINKS of a player is much less important. A player needs to be proactive and take the proven route to the next level and not get overly influenced one way or the other by rankings. Use them as a “quick reference guide” and not the bible. When it’s our son we tend to like the good rankings and we naturally question lower rankings. PG has a good article on rating players and they are in the “rating” business. Good Read!

Perfect game Article
Good perspectives noted here, thanks for the responses. I really agree with Fungo and certainly believe in being proactive, we certainly were.

I was not questioning the information about my own son, he has good ratings on both sites. But a friend's son is ranked high on one site and not even rated on the other. Since friend's son is ranked pretty high on one site I was wondering how there might be so much difference in the evaluations. Infield08 and infidel_08 may be correct in that BA seems to rely on others to get their info and therefore may not have as much data.
Last edited by AL MA 08

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