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My son recently had his catcher's mitt re-stitched.
He has a new mitt, but loves his old one. The tie off knots in the new stitching keep coming loose and pulling the stitches in the webb out. Any suggestions how to secure these knots? I am out of ideas.......any help would be appreciated.
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Couple of approaches.

1. Dampen the end of the leather, and use
a pair of vice grips to tighten (yet don't be such a gorilla and break the string leather)

2. Gently scuff about an inch before the ends of the string leather and tie off the ends.

3. Tie a double knott.

4. Scuff and lightly candle wax the ends (I prefer cherry Smile )

5. Find a new stitch guy (or do you own!)

What did this amateur charge to string the mitt?

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