SOME coaches just want to deflect blame. If the coach wanted him to bunt - he should have told him! Also, knowing what the coach expects in a given situation is easier said than done. For example, at my son's HS the coach has this play that when a man is on first and third, the man at first takes off s-l-o-w-l-y to draw the throw so the man at third can score. [I know, I know, this is little leaguish and very seldom works against anything but the weakest teams but he calls it anyway.] Well early in the year a friends son is on first, takes off slowly, the pitcher turns and starts toward him, he runs on to second and slides in safe. The runner on third hesitates and doesn't score. The coach chews friends son out for not running slower. Later in the season, same situation with my friends son on first, he takes off slowly, pitcher turns and comes toward him, he continues to run slowly and eventually gets thrown out at second. The runner on third hesitates and doesn't score. The coach then chews my friends son out for not running on into second when he had the chance.