Originally posted by TRhit:
All I ask from an umpire is that we do not even know he is there----that means he is doing a great job
please understand that there isnt an umpire worth his salt that agrees with the above statement...sure there are games that go by where the balls are balls and the strikes are strikes..the hits are hits and the outs are outs...and afterwards no one noticed the umpires...I've had those games...
It is the umpires job to officiate the game in a fair and unbiased way......and have the fortitude to make the hard call when the game situation calls for it....and at that time you dont want an umpire whose goal it is to be unnoticed.....at that point you cant care what anyone thinks....the game must be served...
Im not taking abut those blowhard showboats we all (including umpires)have disdain for....but I've worked with guys who didnt want to be noticed...cant call the balk, cant call strike 3, cant make the hard out call when the game is on the line...and cant keep the game on track when things go wrong....some coaches, fans and players like this type of official up to the point that a game gets out of hand and then that umpire gets the blame for not controlling the game....
When games go bad or get in a tough spot, its not the time for the "I want to be unoticed" umpire..
Just my .02....
As to TR's comment about coaches and umpires being chummy......I agree totally......the ballfield is no place for "old home" week..when you have been at this for as many years as I have you get to know the coaching fraternity pretty well...and they know me.......but on that field its hello coach, hello blue......we all talk about being professional this is where you can show it...
again my .02...