2017 son started high school season, pitched in three games before complaining of shoulder and elbow pain. When he told us about the pain he said he had actually been hurting for a couple weeks but was trying to work through it.
Took him to Ortho, diagnosed with GIRD and Scapular Dyskinesis. At the time of his first visit the range of motion in his left( pitching arm ) was about 60 degrees less than his right.
He missed the remainder of his high school season going to PT twice a week. His range of motion is much better now and is within 10 degrees of his non throwing arm. The ortho started him on an interval throwing program about 3 weeks ago throwing 50 then 75 throws with crow hop from 45,60, 90, 120, 150, 180, throwing every other day. At any time during this progression if he feels pain he is to go back to the previous step. He got to 120 felt pain, went back to 90 and has worked his way up to 180. He has had what he describes as discomfort since 120 but not real pain. Ortho as well as PT said some discomfort is normal. Ortho gave him second phase of throwing program to start after he finishes 180, which is a graduated process throwing off the mound with increasing number and effort.
He threw from 180 Sunday and said he felt some pain. He has remained upbeat through this whole process. At PT Monday morning the therapist asked how "he was doing". when my son said fine, the PT said that he meant mentally. Son replied fine but later that night I began to see some discouragement. He switched travel teams from last year to this year and is on a team that he is very excited about. Goes back to the Ortho June 11 but feels as if he wont be able to pitch before middle of July which would be near the end of his summer season.
Has anybody had any experience with GIRD and what was the recovery time?
Thanks in advance.