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We are just starting the process in earnest as far as contacts. Son is a 2018 RHP, so there is no real hurry right now.  We have contact with a number of schools and there certainly seems to be interest. I was recently told by one coach exactly what our one problem will be - geography. One school expressed interest except for this one problem. We live in a state that seems to have no reciprocal deals with other state universities for tuition. His dream school, for example offers in-state tuition to students from any state with which it shares a border. We don't live in one of those states. So, when it comes to scholarship offers, they have eight states, including Texas and Louisiana, from which they can recruit without killing their budget with out-of-state tuition. I'm told to expect schools to want to wait as late as possible rather than take a flyer on an out-of-state tuition guy in his sophomore or early in his junior year. I'm also told that the scholarship % is unlikely to be as high as he otherwise might expect.


We live in Colorado, a state with only one true D1 school (I'm not counting Air Force). Just wondering if others have run into this as well.

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It affected my son's recruiting as well. As far as Ohio, I don't think there is any reciprocal states. There was one college he was highly interested in that was in bordering state, and close to Ohio border. 8 Ohio counties counted as could qualify instate tuition. Sadly, our county was one off. Don't get me wrong, in the end I expect he would have ended up exactly where he is. but it did narrow down a few colleges quickly that showed significant interest simply because of costs

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