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It happens all the time. It's often the case that recruiters are friends. As an example of one way it might work, if the recruiter from College A is stacked at a certain position, it's quite possible that he'll place a call to his buddy at College B to report on a strong player he saw at that position.

True story from a few years ago: Recruiter at Big State U calls his former college roommate and teammate from Mid-major U and asks him to take a look at a specific player who's expressed an interest in the program at Big State U. The mid-major recruiter can attend an upcoming showcase, but Big State U recruiter can't.

Once there, the mid-major recruiter is disappointed to see the player play lackadaisically at the showcase. At the showcase's conclusion, Mid-major recruiter overhears the player say to another player, "I didn't see any need to go all out today. Big State U didn't have a representative here."

Subsequent report from Mid-major recruiter to his friend at Big State U eliminated the player from further consideration at Big State U.

This is one of the reasons it is often said," "You never know who's watching."
Last edited by Prepster
I was very surprised years ago to accommpany my son on a visit and have one of the coaches reveal that he knew pretty much all about son's prior visit to a competing school. Not in a bad way, but the idea that the schools would hold recruiting info close to the vest to try to get a kid away from their competitors turns out just not to be so.

Often, the assistants have worked together in the past, or have spent lots of time scouting the same games together. They talk to each other all the time.

Pro scouts are very much the same.

As Prepster's post makes clear, you should always go at max effort because word gets around. Your behavior both on and off the field will likewise get around -- for good or for ill, it's up to you.
BB13 said....Do college coaches talk to each other about prospects? Do they share information about kids?

BB13 - Our experience was yes and yes. Son was recruited across a diverse set of colleges, conferences and divisions. As Midlo Dad suggests it was mostly the asst coaches or recruiting coordinators that were sharing info. I know of a couple cases where a college scout was unable to attend a tourney game or showcase, and he was filled in on performances and measurements by another recruiter.
Thanks, all. I ask only because it seems to be a small fraternity (at least at the showcases we've been attended). They huddle together and seem to be close. I was curious how close they really are when it comes to sharing info about a kid. I do believe that they love the sport and want to help kids. I also believe they want to win!
They definitely talk, especially the ones that are near each other. But it is a bit of a fraternity. We find more importantly though that the recruits' offers tend to go up directly proportional to the number of schools they get contacted by. Coaches love competition for players. Don't be afraid to tell them how many schools are interested in you.
Last edited by NECPGuy
Thanks, guys. That's helpful. Now for the next question !!! What has been your experience as to when the offers come? Although I'm sure it depends, assuming that the kid is a very good (but not absolute stud player) is it typical for the offers to come after the summer of your Junior year or is it sometime during the summer or is it the fall?

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