All the videos I've done are online streaming video. I've instructed my son on how to include direct hyperlinks in his emails he sends to the college coaches that have expressed an interest in him.
I shoot the video on a 'old' Digital-8 recorder, load it onto my home PC, then use an video editting application to delete dead time, etc., to shrink it down to a reasonable run-time and generate the streaming video file. I then just FTP that up to a website and provide the URL to my son for his email dialogs with coaches.
For pitching, I try to setup on a tripod directly behind home plate, but some fields it's not practical because of the backstop design or it's a high traffic walkway, so I might have to set up slightly off to one side. I usually just set it up and walk away. I want it to be as unobtrusive as possible ... and I'm not at 6'4". I just edit it down later. If I can't set it up to be unobtrusive, I just won't shoot it. One thing I won't do is edit out pitches or ABs ... I show EVERY pitch and AB whether it's a K, BB, HBP, or HR. Sure coaches want to see mechanics, location, ball movement ... but they also want to see composure, attitude, confidence, etc., when a kid gets into a little trouble, gets guys in scoring position, etc. I just get rid of all the dead-time.
It took a little practice, but now I'm pretty good at it so it doesn't take much time.