This is a post more of recruiting experience than a question.
My son was a player forunate enough to fit the size and skill set that most colleges look at for the position he plays. He was rated by PG and played on elite travel teams. I always felt he was a small D1 school are top DII or NAIA school prospect. He recieved several DII and NAIA offers. He had a few DIs talk to him but being from Indiana (not known for baseball) lost a few of those to players from the southern states. We had a DI coach talk to him saying we can't offer you now but your on our short list. The assistant coach pulled me aside and told me that the head coach was wanting a kid from florida to commit and my son, although skill wise was comparible, was a second pick for the position.
Another thing most parents do not realize is the impact of JUCOs on recruiting by DI and DII schools. Some of the DII schools that offered my son, (remember DII only have 9 scholarships to spread around), recuit a lot of their players form JUCOS. One school had only 4 freshman/sophmores they signed the rest were JUCO transfers. As a high school senior your not only competing against other high school seniors but all the JUCO players wishing to transfer. The school my son ended up signing with actually picked him over a JUCO kid from California.
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