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There was just another discussion on this but to put it simply a player doesn't get rewarded his redshirt until after the championship playing season.
Despite what people think, a freshman (as an example) doesn't become a redshirt until he enters his sophmore year.
The reason coaches tell players in advance of the season is out of courtesty only so they know where they stand that year as far as playing time instead of letting them sit the bench (as your son's teammate has) thinking they will get into the game at some point. A reason they don't tell them in advance, the coach may not know if he needs him or not at this point in the season.
Last edited by TPM
TPM is correct. The decision to redshirt may come at any time, as long as there has been no participation. The actual designation comes at the end of season. Often times the coach will wait until he has fully assessed his roster through the first few games. By then the writing should be on the wall. It would be truly unkind to string him along without consult through an entire season.
As I have noted before, my son was redshirted last year and survived quite well. Summer competition is not far off and will hopefully provide the kid with an opportunity to prove himself once again.
Originally posted by spizzlepop:
I think dressing out for home games is viewed as a perk, and it keeps inactive players involved with the team.

At Clemson you must dress out because you are still a player on the roster, asked to attend local games and attend mandatory practice. This does keep you busy and more involved for the following year.

Was your son asked about redshirt? I think the fair thing to do is to discuss option with the player, even letting him know that he may see limited playing time. Not waiting until the season is over, that's fair. If he doesn't have this discussion sometime during season, don't blow it with one at bat. I know some players who turned down RS, based on economics and the player wanting to possibly get drafted after 3 years. Most FRS don't get drafted in their sophmore redshirt years.
Yes, they sat down with him after the third series and told him that his chances were. I think it was handled pretty well, and he still got a lot of face time with coach in the bullpen.
Coach later told him that it may not have been one of his better decisions, that he'd have better off using him last year.

If hindsight is so great then why do I always sit on my glasses?
That comment was interesting from the coach.

Sitting down to talk to your son was the right thing to do. Some won't do that and many won't even redshirt anymore. They don't care if they burn your eligibility. And now with the rising cost of education, people won't be able to afford 5 year loans and programs already on tight budgets won't be able to give them.

As I told TR, times have changed.
Can a player play at all and still redshirt? E.g. if a batter has one at bat or a pitcher throws to one hitter, is that 1 year? My understanding is one AB or one batter faced and you have used a year of eligibility but someone I greatly respect is telling me otherwise.

Some clarification would be much appreciated.

Originally posted by Bee>:
what some refer to as a medical redshirt, is really called a "medical hardship waiver"

it isn't declared ... it's requested after a season ending injury

the ncaa has written policies & guidelines that can be searched out

I have posted before no hardships or redshirts are given until after the season. Getting a medical waiver is not all that easy either, you have to prove, when ,where ,how and if it was an injury or condition that ended your playing season and occured while on the playing field.

As I have stated before if the coach tells you before the season that you are being redshirted and you will not play and thus save the year of eligibility then the player is redshirted---you can say it however you want but the kid aint playing by agreement

But then what the heck do I know I have only been thru with not only my son but other players many times---
For the upteenth time, reshirts seasons may be discussed, not awarded until AFTER the season.

A player can still sit on the bench the entire season and not be told of the coaches intentions he will redshirt him until AFTER the season.

Don't give the impression that redshirts are automatic, the good coach will discuss it with him, but parents understand, coaches only have so many redshirts to give and some willplay out the year to see how the player may or may not be needed. Redshirts are now fewer and fewer than before.

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