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My son is a pitcher currently redshirting at a JUCO. He was redshirted all fall, only playing in intersquad games. The coaches have told him they are now considering moving him to JV. The boy called me to ask for input, but I must admit I am ignorant on redshirtv-vs-JV matters.

So, my questions are:
1. If he is moved to from redshirt to JV this year, will this year count against his 4 years of eligibility?
2. If you were in his shoes, would you quit the redshirt to go to the JV and use a year of eligibility on the JV?

Anyone else been through this?

Thanks for your thoughts.
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Old Cat,

This is probably a very important question, but not for the reasons that you present here. It is important because of the NCAA rules with respect to transferring from JUCO to a 4 year school. Said rules require that at end of Sophmore year, 40% of degree requirements must be met. (Note: I'm not an expert on this, and others may be able to shed some further light.)

One of the other posters (sorry, I don't remember who it was) recently made a comment that I took to heart. He/she said, "If a JUCO coach starts talking about redshirting, run for the hills!"

So you might very well wish to explore this topic from the standpoint of future transferability which might make your original questions a moot point.

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