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If i played my freshment season, and i just got injured, and i might be ready by the beginning of the season (but wont be any good) or i may still be injured.
is it possible i can attain a regular redshirt instead of a medical redshirt? or would it have to be medical? im not sure if il qualify for a medical when spring rolls around but i need to know if its possible to redshirt regardless
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You can decide to redshirt at any time during the season. The redshirt is granted at the end of the season, but only if the player has not participated- that means zero participation in championship season games. A medical is a different story and has to be done via petition to the NCAA. Limited participation is acceptable depending on review of the medical circumstances.
Unfortunetly the player doesn't always get the choice when it comes to redshirting.
Due to roster limitations and scholarship money being tight, you could redshirt but be released as a senior. So be careful what you ask for. Spizzle is correct, redshirt is granted AFTER the championship season and the reshirt status is given to you upon entry of your next season, the coach cannot grant anymore than were used the following year.
If you were hurt while playing or practicing for your team and cannot play, you should be granted the waiver with no questions asked. If it was done on your own time, it's very difficult to get.
Originally posted by bakstop007:
so i can decide to redshirt in the spring, even though its my sophmore season on the field, and than maintain that year of eligability?

and if i transfer back home to a school but not plan on being on the team can i still redshirt?

What division do you play?

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