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Question #1 – What suggestions do you give pitchers on how to regain lost focus while they are pitching? Thanks!

This is a great question because a common obstacle for athletes to overcome is falling into the trap of distraction. It is imperative that a pitcher maintains focus each pitch because it could mean the difference between a great pitch and a poor one.

First of all, pitchers must know what to focus on, i.e. the situation, the current pitch, the catcher’s glove, simple mechanical cues, etc. What gets a pitcher into trouble is when he/she focuses on the wrong things, i.e. how good the hitter is, the previous pitch, how bad the umpire is, etc. A pitcher must be taught to recognize that when they are focusing on the wrong things (the things they cannot control), it will have an adverse affect on their performance.

In terms of regaining focus, a pitcher could do a few simple things to bring them back. A coach should teach their pitcher to not address the mound until they are ready to focus on “this pitch”. Once on the rubber, it is helpful for the pitcher to say a simple mechanical cue or affirmation before they start-“smooth and easy” or “stay back”, are examples of phrases I used as a collegiate pitcher. The key is simplicity and effectiveness.

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Also, in their book “Heads Up Baseball”, Dr. Ken Ravizza and Tom Hanson talk about using a deep breath as a “release” or flushing mechanism. Not only is the deep breath powerful in what it does, but it is also powerful in what it symbolizes for the pitcher-the last pitch is over, now focus on the present.

These are just a few strategies of many that elite pitchers use to regain focus once it is loss. Chances are, a pitcher is not going to be focused on 100% of their pitches, however the great hurlers have the ability to regain focus quicker than the mediocre pitcher.
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