Thanks everyone. Aidan and I really appreciate all of your responses. We worked on relaxing the arm and glove and he was able to try it in a game Saturday. It was clear he was more comfortable and probably quicker to the ball as well. Looked smoother overall. We'll keep working on this until it becomes second nature and not something he needs to think about doing.
I'll have him play with the throwing hand position to see if the alternate position is more comfortable for him. I was told to have the hand behind the back for safety reason and that is the top priority at this point. However, in many videos it seems that hand flies out as the pitch is coming in anyway, so behind or near the leg may be a good option. We'll give it a try.
redbird - I have had Aidan extend his arm prior to receiving due to him stabbing at pitches and basically popping the ball out of his glove. I see where he needs to move it back now that he has advanced somewhat. It also seems that the new move of relaxing the arm prior to receiving has kind of automatically solved this when looking at the video from Saturday's game. Much more comfortable and catching with the arm not as extended. Thanks for that advice and I will keep an eye on it.
S. Abrams - Thanks for your concern about playing other positions. That is something we struggle with. Simply by virtue of Aidan being a little ahead of the curve in our league as far as catcher's go, catching has become his primary position. Not boasting, it doesn't take a lot to get ahead of the curve when few other have any desire to learn a position. He likes to catch, but he does play other positions. He pitches, plays first, third and left. We make a point of not having him "catch up" for coaches during practice. He is out taking infield and fly balls with everyone else.
Here's some stuff from Saturday's game.
video link