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As it's that magic time of year, I wanted to remind everyone (particularly those with sons entering college in the Fall who may not be aware) that it's FAFSA time!

After you have done your taxes, wander over to the FAFSA site (Federal Student Aid) and fill out the forms. You may or may not be eligible, you may or may not even be considering the idea of a Pell Grant or federal loan. However, few of us are 100%, iron-clad certain what the rest of the year will bring and just in case, it's a good idea to spend the little bit of time it takes to get your information in.

Should your situation change (divorce, job loss, medical issues), there are additional forms ("Change of Circumstance") that you can file -- and the chances for successful receipt of a grant are increased if you've filed the original forms early. Doesn't take that much time and you may be very pleased you did.

Think of it as an insurance policy.

"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." --- Terry Pratchett
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Good point Trojan!!! It's about as much fun as watching paint dry but it can be done. Shoot, if I can do it, ANYBODY can. And I know I had to call and ask some questions....they (Miss FAFSA) were VERY helpful and understanding.

One point I meant to make earlier; Orlando was nice to post the reminder but one thing people may not know - you don't have to wait to get your taxes done to complete the FAFSA. You can do it earlier based on the previous year's taxes and then go back when they're done and make adjustments as needed. Yes it will generate a new report but it will help give you an idea of what your EFC will be.
Orlando, that's a great reminder. I had planned on doing mine this weekend... just got my taxes back a couple days ago. FAFSA is not only the tool to determine federal grant and loans student may qualify for, but also for federal work study, much of the state and institutional monies.

AK, You'd better share that scoop as soon as you can!! With your persistence and those good grades, I had no doubt you'd be playing college ball. BTW, for the FAFSA, you list a lot of schools, so you can include several initially and return later if you need to alter the school list. We'll be waiting!! Smile

Thanks again for the very important reminder Orlando!!

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