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My intentions were to read this book and be fair in my assessment of the material presented. I see there is a guideline I am supposed to follow to answer questions. I think it best I do not follow those suggestions.

The book (41 pages) is in ebook form. There are 4 small bonus books that come with your order of $47.

Bonus book 1 is an exclusive interview with Chad Holbrook.
Bonus book 2 is how to make a coach friendly highlight video.
Bonus book 3 is what to do when major league baseball teams call.
Bonus book 4 is a sample outline of an email to send to coach.

The ebook is organized and a quick read (I did it all in 40 minutes). Everything covered basically has been discussed here on the HSBBW. In other words, nothing new to add. Exception are quotes from college coaches, which are very fundamental in nature and not something we haven't said ourselves here or repeated from what coaches tell parents in the recruiting process. I am wondering if the author thinks no one here talks to coaches.

For those people that are newbies, you will find information (see main site menu) that was written over 10 years ago when the original founder began this site. It's interesting to see that the whole concept of recruiting still remains bascially the same, with a few changes.

Couple of things I want to say, thank you Julie for being the keeper of this great site, and for all of you that donate your dollars and time to help her to defray costs and help others navigate the recruiting process for no other reason but that you love helping others. No book, no blog, no recruiting service can ever replace the value of this free site.

One thing I read that I want to point out, that it is stated that the CBR survival guide will: help players and their families to "save thousands of dollars" during recruiting. I think that we have done a great job here helping folks to do that without a written guide. Have your talent/skills evaluated, pick the events that best suit your level and go for it. Oh, and don't leave out working hard in the classroom.
I hope that at some point people have given back for the knowledge they have gained here to help the HSBBW.

Something that caught my attention, an opening to the guide....."I fully believe that any serious high school baseball player who wants to play baseball in college can. It's only a matter of being proactive and finding the right fit." David Franco

Does that sound familiar? Isn't that the first thing we always tell new folks when they come asking questions.

I am not sure why David felt the need to discredit me by repeating what some moron said to him in a private message. For that reason, I didn't want to follow his suggested review questions as my answers might seem jaded since I got some discredit.

David, FWIW, if in fact you did get some pm's do some homework by doing a search on those that have pm'd you, you can learn a lot by reading their contributions and why they have issues.

I feel that I have given this a very fair review, considering the circumstances.

Any questions please feel free to pm me.

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I forgot.

For those just beginning the process. You will NEVER learn as much about how it all works as you will from a parent that has been through it (unless the player has taken ownership 100%), that includes those whose sons attended, D1,D2, D3, NAIA and juco.
Last edited by TPM
Bonus book 1 is an exclusive interview with Chad Holbrook.
Bonus book 2 is how to make a coach friendly highlight video.
Bonus book 3 is what to do when major league baseball teams call.
Bonus book 4 is a sample outline of an email to send to coach.

I'll take my chances with HSBBWeb. We've already done 3 of these things from the bonus book, and I know my son knows how to handle himself if the phone rings for the fourth topic. Thanks for reviewing so quickly TPM, and sharing.

Let's move on.

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