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I'm looking for ideas that help pitchers establish rhythm in delivery. Music is one; in golf it's the 3/4 meter of the Blue Danube Waltz. What song do you use in your delivery? Any other thoughts?
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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We teach it with a breathing exercise, to inhale and exhale during certain parts of the windup. The whole windup takes two breaths. Breath in as you start then exhale, start the second inhale as you seperate the hands and then exhale through the explosion. The body (ie the heart) acts as the metrodome, and the player remembers to breath. You would not believe how many pitchers I catch not breathing. The breathing relaxes the body and seems to create rhythm.
Last edited by deldad
It has to do with the kinetic chain. For example, if you were to pick up a bull whip for the first time, and try to "whip", it would be pretty sad. But with training and fluidity of motion and timing, you can create great power (with the kinetic chain). I am not an expert in this regard, I just know that rythym (timing) is paramount in explosive power.

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