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there have been several mentions about pitchers being overused possibly in the playoffs. Yes, the coaches should take some blame but the system is terribly flawed. The teams play tues/fri only the past 6 weeks after need two pitchers in that format, basically can only use 2. Then you get in the most important part of the year and OH, YOUVE GOT A # GAME SERIES IN 2or3 DAYS....this makes zero sense!
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Your CAPS key is stuck as well. Smile

Our observations are not monumental. I just don't recall seeing this situation as frequently in the past. And there is an additional playoff round for 1/4 of the 5A teams this year. Granted, there is more opportunity for rest with no Tue games.

Back east, they start playing in mid-March (for obvious reasons) and play as many as 4 games in a week. I suppose those teams are "forced" to use several arms.

Interesting stuff.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Originally posted by BASEBALL39:
there have been several mentions about pitchers being overused possibly in the playoffs. the system is terribly flawed. The teams play tues/fri only the past 6 weeks after need two pitchers in that format, basically can only use 2.

AMEN to that.

Some of the pitching I saw this weekend was at the JV level. The should be playing 3 games a week thru out the season.
Originally posted by BASEBALL39: need two pitchers in that format, basically can only use 2. Then you get in the most important part of the year and OH, YOUVE GOT A # GAME SERIES IN 2or3 DAYS....this makes zero sense!

I'm a little confused about what you mean. Last I saw a game is 7-innings and the coach can make a change when he wants, i.e. use whatever arms he wants. In the playoffs, he can also chg when he wants. Starter doesn't have to go the whole game. Teams also practice everyday and the coach can have whoever he wants throw there to get in shape, etc. Having more games each week is not going to give a team more talent and depth.
Rock Dad,

High school teams play two games per week during the season, so a #1 and #2 pitcher is all that is needed.

But, in the playoffs, a three game series is an option that typically over a three or four day period requires at least 3 pitchers.

The very best high school teams have two very good pitchers. Not many high school teams have 3 pitchers.

So, it is possible, an inexperienced JV pitcher might need to pitch in game three.

Most high school coaches don't have the luxury of a good #3 pitcher.

A huge contrast to summer teams that might carry 8-10 pitchers and play 6-7 games in a weekend tournament.
Last edited by FormerObserver
With 3 non district games sprinkled in the regular schedule, not to mention the three tournaments entered ~ A coach has the chance to get his #3 six starts at the least. Throw in relief appearances during district and he should have a kid with at least 30 innings under his belt. Not looking ahead and having vision for the future is his own fault. That's when a coach has to work for the future and quit worrying about W/L record. I know a guy from Alabama who has planned well. MNHS has 3 ready and could be stretched to 4 if you want to split hairs.
When the kid gets hurt then get mad...Each kid is made up differently, is in different physical shape and has different mechanics. The coaches pretty much know what the kids limitaions are and so does the kid! I watched the kid from Marcus pitch both games...WOW! He was solid in both games and lost only a little of his velocity. I knew a kid at a small 2A program that threw both games during the season and two during the playoffs. He went to college and sometimes made two appearnaces a weekend at a D-IAA school. Now he is a HS coach and throws 300 plus pitches every day in BP! And he is 45 years of age. Annnd...he is not a great physical specimen!
Last edited by En Fuego
Originally posted by JAFO:
I know a lot of coaches that are above your 200 figure. crazy

I once calculated I was throwing 1500-2000 pitches per week. [Bad mistake, should never have quantified it.] It may have been low quality (e.g., 50 mph from 45-50') according to PD standards. But what it lacked in quality was sure made up for in quantity. Which is why my right shoulder rattles around in the rotator cuff and my right hand now hangs down farther than my left...
Big Grin
This makes no sense to me. I don't want to rip my fellow coaches, but I have seen some stuff the last 2 weeks that I just don't understand.

I understand that when we get to this time of year, that winning is very important, I get it! However, to do some of the things that are being done is mind boggling.

I have seen where kids have thrown 100 pitches in game 1 and have turned around on 1 or 2 days rest and started game 3 and thrown another 100 or so pitches.

What ever happened to developing that third pitcher using Saturday games and the pre-district tournaments? I can understand a one day high pitch count. I get that and I have done that as a coach. But, the kid got a week off after that and in one instance I did not throw a kid a week later in a one game situation because I did not feel he was ready. We lost that game 2-1 and the kid that stepped up did great! Could we have won that game 1-0 with our #1 on the mound if he were ready...maybe. But he was NOT ready and I was not ready to mortgage his future to win 1 playoff game. Besides, if we were the better team, we'll get the job done.

Like I said, I'm not going to get on here and rip any HS coach individually. But, this is why the HS game gets a bad rap at times.

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