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I took a step back this weekend and thought about the physical growth I have seen in both of my boys recently.

Guess I havent been through this before - but it can be eye-opening.

The eldest has put on 28 pounds of muscle in the last two years. From 162 to 190

The youngest has put on 10 pounds since Sept. 2005. From 148 to 158

Now - these fellas are not going to be Offensive Linemen for The Washington Redskins - but it is really hard to believe what good physical training - and a good diet can do for these young men.

Seems like you arent watching it - then one day - bang.

Have no idea why I thought about this - but I did. LOL

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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We dropped my 18 YO 6’3” middle guy off at college weighing 160 lbs, maybe 163 tops, in the middle of August. When I picked him up at the airport in December for winter break I hardly recognized him, weighing in at 183/185. body-builder Looking at him, he has zero body fat (actually about 6-8%). Must be the mop on top of his head, it’s good for at least 5 lbs. bighair They gave him software were he has to enter every activity (even sitting and studying or playing Nintendo) plus everything he eats. He has to intake X number of calories over his daily burn rate. That and the weightlifting regiment, he morphing before our eyes. He has gone from skinny to lanky. Caught me by surprise. Sure is going by fast! cry
I hear you all. My son, now a senior, spent the winter before his 9th grade season working out with the stength coach at one of our local universities. First day of spring practice, after they all got their practice unis, so they mostly all look alike. I see this real athletic-looking kid out on the field and catch him from a rear view and think to myself, "that is one athletic-looking stud--who is it?" He turns around and it's my kid. Will never forget it.
If all these young men continue to work at getting bigger and stronger it can continue for several years beyond the ages of the boys noted in this thread so far.

Mine(22 years old) has gone from 212 at end of last season to 220 while lowering his body fat.
His trainer states that his legs are getting "scary" strong.

They sure do sneak up on ya though!

I can top all of those...I went to college at 6'0" and 190 pounds of muscle. At 43 years old, I am increased to 223 pounds. My doctor said it is solid fat and my weight is closing in on my cholesterol.

I hope to eventually qualify for the over 40 softball league as a power hitter (I better as I can't run out-of-sight in a week).

Any D-1's interested out there??? dirol
Last edited by tychco
I guess the kimchi diet is not working for my kid - he's still growing upwards (now 5'11"), but is invisible from the side! grdmartien I've been afraid to put him on any kind of weight program because:
a) he's only 15
b) he throws hard for his age and I don't want to mess him up
c) I don't know what I'm doing in the weight room and we have no access to a trainer.

BUT, I do wonder how much harder he'd throw if he started packing it on........I've been thinking of starting him on a well-researched weight program after summer '06 season ends.

We do a lot of plyo and core now, plus tubing, tubing, tubing, and long toss. It's going okay. I'm just tired of him turning sideways so he can try to hide from taking out the trash........
Last edited by Krakatoa
a good online program for tracking every calorie taken in and burned, weight gain or loss, all activities, etc etc, is found at

I ordered the offline version (for $20) because it has better features, but used the online program for a couple years and it was fine.....the only thing is, inputting all that data didn't help me burn many calories, so I'm pretty much at the same weight as when I first signed up........sigh........
As a freshman I knew I would put on weight when weight training started, but never did I think I would add 20 pounds in about 1 and a half semesters. I can honestly say that 20 pounds is most muscle if not pure muscle. No fatness just muscles growing and other muscles coming out that I haven't seen before (especially in the back, I find those are the hardest to make grow). It's actually kinda fun to see how far you can push your body and how physically fit you can be. Without steriods of course...thats just stupid.
I think OPPs post is a perfect example of how slowly it takes to develop properly. At 22, he's still a work in progress.
I think itsinthegame made a great point about proper diet and PROPER training. I don't know why so many think that adding weight will make one throw harder. I suppose there are those who can support the theory. It's a sloooow process. And should be for pitchers.
If it will make you feel any better, we can just see ours a bit better now when he turns sideways, and he is 20. Big Grin
Okay, trojan-skip and TPM - I'll stay the course. He's very athletic, very low body fat, fast, 'quick', agile, good endurance........I guess time will take care of the rest......will keep plugging along with our core-plyo-tube-long-toss.

Thanks. By the way, below is a picture of the lad. You may have to look pretty hard because he is turned sideways in this shot......
Last edited by Krakatoa

One of the things I believe has made a big difference is that my youngest is now drinking 2 High Protein Meal Replacement Shakes every day. (Doing/eating and drinking a few other things as well)

Given the kids' busy schedule and training - it almost guarantees he will get the minimum amount of many important nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Only problem - he says it is like drinking bad tasting mud. LOL

Last edited by itsinthegame
Another vote for doing the right things and then being patient - some kids just aren't going to put on weight until they are ready. Mine was 6'3-1/2" and 170 lbs at age 16 with little facial hair, has gradually added a little muscle and a few whiskers each year and now is probably just over 6'4" and approaching 190 lbs at age 19. His velocity is increasing also, but I think it's more from mechanics improvements in his case.
Last edited by MN-Mom

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