The good news...It's still very early.
More good news...The earlier the road block, the easier it is to overcome.
Additional good news...Great opportunity to learn an invalauble skill.
First of all...Always completely control what you can...attitude, effort, preparation, work ethic...and be a great teamate and team player...
I'll get to weakness below...but IMO in this case don't ignore his strengths...push his strength to levels that cannot be ignored...At the high school level...good hitters become VERY good hitters, hitters who cannot be benched...with the right dedication...and though I'm sure many will argue... I have heard it over and over right into DI that you hit the snot out of the ball and they will have to find you a place to play.
Attitude + Passion + Talent + Work ethic + Time Spent = playing time and dreams
Beyond that...
Communicate with the coach...don't whine about PT ask what and were you need to improve and work harder...coaches generally LOVE to coach and teach..coaches love kids who have a passion to improve and work...while it may not seem so there is a great deal of time left to grow...simple technique and endless repetitions are the keys...few players have the discipline for this type of work, particularly in a "get it all right now" world...be that player.
Put in the work...fix all the weak areas that need work...Leave no reason for any future coach to say no...the only way to stay out of the politics/opinions is to be off the bubble...get off it...leave no doubt.
Looking for other avenues?...
Look into agility and speed work, coaches love speed...agility makes player better fielders - it can be improved...read books about the games, include those about players overcoming problems...
Depending upon the player start looking into strength training...while it is not always the case the bigger stronger players catch coaches eyes...The stregnth game begins big time at the varsity level and is essential beyond...
As a father, always figured that I was most important as the resident sports psychologist...open the lines of communication...explore new and more efficient ways of dealing with situations with him...
Remember in the end this is about life skills...teach those mental,(problem solving) and emotional skills that will help him overcome this situation in life...these things have a way of repeating themselves...he will see it again and again in the future...teach him to solve it once and you will have given him a lifetime tool...