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Mandatory testing, if the use they are out of the league. Plain and simple. They are cheaters, and ruining the game for everyone! 10 games is a joke. Kenny Rogers got more than that for pushing a camera guy. I think screwing with the integrity of such a sacred game as baseball is a much worse offense than pushing and punching a camera guy. They are both bad ... but man. Bud needs to get some balls and do something about it!

Here is a little food for thought...

(1997) Lets say a big leaguer hits .251 one year with 36 Homeruns. He also flys out to the warning track about 30 times that season, maybe more.

He takes roids, gets significantly bigger and stronger, and he turns those 30 or so flyouts to the warning track into homeruns. He may also squeak in a couple hard hit groudballs for hits that get through the infield.

(1998) The next year he would hit about .308 with 66 homeruns.

**There are no stats (to my knowledge)that indicate the number of times a player flies out to the warning track but over the course of 162 games I think 30 is a fair guess. That would be once about every 5 games.

These are Sammy Sosa's stats taken from I am not saying he used steriods, but the numbers don't lie. In '97 he had 642 at bats, 161 hits and 36 HR's. In '98 he had 643 at bats, 198 hits and 66 HR's.
What was sammy's penalty for the corked bat (which is no worse than a spitball?) I think it was longer than Raffy, too. Selig is a liar and a coward.
Not sure if a player hits 30 warning track fly balls, but 30 deep fly balls could be right. Some guys who used them got bigger than others, and it would be different for each of them. There are other less direct benefits too, like increased endurance, high energy, etc. Sammy is on the list to be sure. They are all liars except McGwire, who refused answer the questions saving himself from it. At the time everyone ripped him for not denying, but a tleast he didn't sit there and lie like the rest of them.....remember Raffy pointing his finger in indignation? Liars and cheats.
I think it should be the death penalty. One and done. I am however tired of hearing people point at the players when MLB is playing good cop while they hand out there minor suspensions. Put the blame on the guys who knew what was going on the whole time. Since the strike season when the fans stopped going to the park, they watched there players get juiced, watched players cork, the fields are tiny, the strike zone has shrunk, and pitchers cant throw inside anymore. Be real, they wanted the long ball because thats what the people wanted to see. And they got it. Filled the stadiums. What it did was take away from real Baseball. MLB ruined the integrity of the game. The guys just played along. Its a numbers game and with big numbers comes $$$, big $$$ .
I am glad that era is over.
Sox...Goes back that far when Raffy thought he didn't get his "due" at MSU and Will the Thrill was the poster boy while they were the studs at MSU (along with Bobby Thigpen and the little relief pitche--now an ESPN broadcaster).

I think that I'm one of 6 people on earth that likes Barry Bonds because of his skills; and, because I liked his father, Bobby, with the old Giants.

Too, Raffy "broke my heart" with his testing positive after he said he didn't do anything before Congress.
I agree on most of whats been said so far. MLB, the owners, most of the players all new what was going on. The Name of the Game is $$$$. If the seats are filled "Let It Be". My penalty would be:
1st offense) Season Suspension from that point on.
2nd Offense) Come back next year, test positive, your Gone. Clean up the game NOW. Before you know it, steroids will be trickling down to the grade schools if they haven't already. Reward the athletes for their God given talents and their "Hard Work". These so called role models that MLB has produced should be "Ashamed of Themselves".

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