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Originally Posted by Tribe:

Here's a friendly suggestion to any high school coaches reading this thread: dedicate five minutes of your your preseason orientation speech to this topic so that your players and families know where you stand....

Wow, great idea!  I'm sure the parents will remember what you said two months later when it suddenly becomes an issue for THEIR KID.  And, surely all of the parents that REALLY NEED TO BE THERE will be. 


Sorry Tribe, I couldn't resist.  I can't tell you how much effort we've put into covering every possible issue in our meetings over the years only to have the parents who need it most not show or somehow be in another discussion in the back corner when they need to hear what is being said.

We have tried everything regarding mandatory attendance and attention but you'll always have a few of THOSE parents and, in that case, we also try not to penalize the poor kid.

Thanks for the continuation of this thread and the information/perspectives shared.  I appreciate the idea of having the College Coach call, minimizing using son as middle-man.   


As a former HS varsity coach, I understand it is a different role than a summer travel coach, but I also do not believe they should remain absent in the recruiting process.   Many of the HS coaches serve as educators within the schools they coach for and should be committed to helping these student-atletes get to the next level.  Not only will it benefit the player currently being recruited, but may also build relationship for future athletes, and give the high school some additional recognition.


Up to this point, son has not needed HS involvement as he plays for a very well respected and known summer team...exposure has been great with many opportunities to come.

HS ball continues to decline .... as other sports are offered, travel ball gets bigger.  HS is fun But I had to teach myself that it is not Travel Ball......


I couple of things if you go to the right showcases , get invited to the right showcases and you are good enough you will get offers, without or with out your HS school coach... include him if he wants to be included, if he doesn't oh well do it without him.

The role of the high school coach in most cases is stay out of the way unless invited into the process. I say this with all due respect to the high school coaches on this site whose abilities far exceed the typical high school coach. 


My son's coach asked if he needed help. My son politely declined. Unfortunately his high school coach can't stand his former travel assistant/hitting coach. When my son came out hacking junior year and gave credit to his travel coach, his high school coach never discussed hitting with him again.

We had tremendous success using It made it really easy for our coach to help with my sons recruitment. The coach joined and asked us to fill out a profile. It was free and allowed our HS coach to send my son's information to college coaches. Our HS coach said that he heard of it from college coaches, who use it to find athletes.

Last edited by Pam Sharp
It's "all hands on deck" when it comes to recruiting. After the chips fall, they can all take credit but the ultimate credit goes to the athlete for his talent and work effort. Our's has been fortunate enough to not only have his summer coach talk about him but coaches from other teams as well. That's all his effort and attitude. It does pay off.


The more interesting answers to the OP's question comes from the college coaches. I heard one college coach explain that there are some coaches that he knows and trusts, but the general "I've got 3 great players you should look at" was considered meaningless. He said his answer was "if your players are so great, why didn't you win state?".


So if you really want to rely on the high school coach, you would be well served to find out who is in his network.



And don't be fooled by the HS coach who claims to be buddies with every college coach around. Some HS coaches will claim to be on a first name basis with a college coach, when in reality the college coach couldn't pick the HS guy out of a lineup.
Originally Posted by twotex:


The more interesting answers to the OP's question comes from the college coaches. I heard one college coach explain that there are some coaches that he knows and trusts, but the general "I've got 3 great players you should look at" was considered meaningless. He said his answer was "if your players are so great, why didn't you win state?".


So if you really want to rely on the high school coach, you would be well served to find out who is in his network.



Coch in any Baseball level looking first and any thing the player with the "5 Tools" and after they looking for some pitcher prospect ,dont be desapponted if you not have the 5 toots maybe with two ,you can go far into you baseball carrier,Hitting for power ,we thinking should be the first one , but we are in different angle of the recruit coach,the first is SPEED ,the baseball was change by a lot , the baseball manager prefer ,one player with the avility the be an base ,stolen base,and some striekout,

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