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Man, that was some serious weather this morning. I heard it come in and got up around 4:00 to see trees bending over sideways along with some major lightening. Then just went I think all is OK, the tornado warning siren goes off and the wife and I hit the hallways grabbing kids and dogs to hunker down in the closet. Two words here....FRESH BATTERIES!!!!!!! Mad I had them, but the lights were out and I could not find them for the longest time. Then I couldn't get the back of the radio on right so the thing would not stay on. About the time I got it all set, I heard on KRLD that "the tornado warning will be expiring in the next few minutes. It appears all is clear."

Needless to say, I'm making sure I'm better prepared the next time this happens.

I hope you all made it safely. We need to remember our friends in Breckenridge. Looks pretty bad there.
"It's not about baseball boys, it's about honoring God." Steve Adair
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I just came inside from helping my neighbor cut down the rest of the tree that fell in his yard.

There are large branches and trees down all over Coppell. It doesn't appear that any one got hurt though. Thank God.

We lost power for a few hours and the little ones ended up in bed with us but we were spared any damage.

Our prayers go out to those folks in Breckenridge.
I talked to the landowner of my deer lease in Throckmorton County. He lives in Breckenridge. He said his house is a total loss. It's terrible when you see bad things happen to good people.

My travel trailer is about 30 miles north of there. I'm hoping I don't get a call this weekend telling me it's on it's side.
Last edited by Ringer1
Originally posted by Natural:
Cheapseats... when I arrived at school this morning to survey the damage I found your son (with several other curious players) walking in from looking at the downed outfield fence...
get that boy in class! Smile

Hmmm....And I thought those tardies were due to traffic delays. Smile

I think he subscribes to the baseball first, school second school of thought. Wink
Last edited by cheapseats
Sorry friends -- I had a busy day at w*rk and you know I hate it when w*rk interferes with baseball. The storm hit our neighborhood pretty hard. We too were huddled together under the stairs at 4am. Our house is ok....roof and fence damage....nothing too bad. Some of the neighbors have it much worse. I'm glad you all are ok as well. It puts baseball in perspective. Cool

CS -- I think TRHIT's count is untouchable. (I'm happy with posting here in our great state)

More tomorrow.

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