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Denfense plays a huge role in winning games, just look at the Red Sox this year. They have one of the best 3rd basemen in the league, the best shortstop in the league, and a 2nd basemen who is quick in turning a double play. Also, EVERY player should be able to bunt. Practice going the other way with guys on 2nd. Practice being able to put the ball in the air with a guy on 3rd and less than 2 outs. It's little things like these that will help you win games.

Excellent advice so far. I would only stress, practice situations both on offense and defense.

Don't just bunt once in BP and let them swing away. Spend some significant time at least one day a week on situational bunting for every player. Practice hitting ahead in the count, behind in the count and with two strikes. Make sure they are understanding what they individually must do to "survive" and "produce" in those situations. It is not a cookie cutter approach as each batter must learn to stay within himself in critical situations but he also must adjust what he is doing to provide himself with the best oportunity for team success [i.e. scoring a run, advancing a runner, not making an out.

On defense, make certain to practice the bunt with a runner on first, runners on first and second, and runners on first and third. Practice against the squeeze play [some runners leave third before the pitcher releases the pitch. What do you want your pitchers to do in that situation.]

Practice pickoffs both from the pitcher and from the catcher. Practice the back ups on all throws from everywhere in every possible situation.

Good luck and keep us informed.

One thing my very good assistant does so well is he fills dead time. If he sees a group dragging along, or I'm hung up with something, he immediately engages some guys and gets them busy... usually something as simple as a bunt drill, fungos on the side, or ground balls on the side... I look up and bam, he's got 'em going on something rather than waiting on me. then if i need them back on the regularly scheduled stuff, i holler and away we go. I appreciate him seeing the need and getting the kids active... discuss things with your head coach and find out his expectations for you. I give my guys a chart at the beginning of the year that has things on it like who's in charge of calling in jv scores, filing game notes and scouting reports, inventory of gear, etc...
just talk with him a lot.
2) When the day comes, and it will come, that a parent approaches you about more playing time do not give them an audience. They will say, "what can jonny do to get more playing time?" and you (in my opinion) should say, "we've got lot's of kids trying hard out there so you will have to talk to coach about that one."
3) have fun and put a smile on your face. Kids would rather be around you if your happy to be there. Have fun and best wishes... the game needs you.
Coach25, I am giving a presentation entitled, "Effective Coaching Technique" for our coaching staff our first day back to school. If you wish, pm me with your email address and I'll send some stuff your way when I get it all prepared.

Welcome to the coaching ranks! Nothing in your life will ever compare to being a coach. You are going to have sleepless nights, major frustration, terrible mood swings and the most fun you can ever have. Coach25, you will GET TO COACH! It is a Privilege. Please don't forget that! As I have pointed out before on this site, the most important advice I ever received from the legendary coach Tom Pile was, "Never kill the kid in the kid!" Remember that and it will take you far. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Be consistent. Do things the way you want them done. Dont waiver in decisions you make. If things dont work out with a move or strategy move on. dont dwell on it. Yake it from one who knows you can think what if till the sun comes up the next day it is not going to change the outcome. Be fair. They are kids but they are smarter than you think. When and if you make exceptions they pick up on it real quick.

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