There seems to be a lot of confusion here. Simply put if you receive BB money the total package must meet at least 25%. You don't have to give any BB money as TPM states the Ivys don't. The thing that the rules cover is thinly disguised academic money and grants that are really BB money. Football and basket ball were notorious for this. You can't give a guy with a 2.0 gpa and an 800 sat academic money and pass it off as not BB money. The rules basically say that if you give any BB money you can use other monies to top it off to the reaquired min 25% and that you can'y disguise other funding as not BB money if the requirements for that funding are not met.
I am starting to think that some posters see the new rules as some kind of entitlement to at least 25% for all BB players. The majority got little or no money in the past. The new rules will see fewer BB guys get any BB money as a likely possibility. People throw around the 27/30 numbers. These are maximum limits. My guess is that the pitchers and hitters will get the lions share of the money and far above 25%
3F my statement is not contradictory at all. If it were all BB players getting academic money would have to get BB money or other money to bring the pakege up to 25% min.
Exempt academic monies can be used to satisfy the 25% rule while not counting toward the overall team equivalency.
In other words, a 25% exempted academic grant satisfies the NCAA two ways. It is not counted against the team, and if the player is a counter, no baseball money from the 11.7 is used.
In other words, a 25% exempted academic grant satisfies the NCAA two ways. It is not counted against the team, and if the player is a counter, no baseball money from the 11.7 is used.
OS yes that is correct . It is only used to fulfil the 25% minimum .
BHD and OS8,
I'm going try to again. Here is the rule: An institution shall provide each counter athletically related and other countable financial aid that is equal to or greater than 25 percent of an equivalency.
All aid can be classified into two groups: countable, and non-countable. Countable aid is used in the equivalency calculation, and it counts toward the 11.7 equivalency limit. The rule above clearly requires that if any countable aid is given, the player has to receive countable aid of at least 25% of an equivalency.
So for example, a player can't get 5% athletic aid and 20% exempt academic aid in order to reach 25%. The exempt academic aid isn't countable, and therefore doesn't meet the requirements of the rule. A player could be given non-exempt academic aid (for example, the player doesn't meet the GPA/SAT minimums) to reach the 25%, since the non-exempt acaademic aid is countable. The player would still consume 0.25 of the 11.7 equivalencies. In fact, every counter must use up at least 0.25 equivalencies.
Guys, I understand that you have both been certain that exempt academic money can be use to satisfy the 25%. You've repeated it several times. Now I'd like to ask you to either "put up or shut up": Please either provide a Bylaws citation that supports your position or let this be the last word.
I'm going try to again. Here is the rule: An institution shall provide each counter athletically related and other countable financial aid that is equal to or greater than 25 percent of an equivalency.
All aid can be classified into two groups: countable, and non-countable. Countable aid is used in the equivalency calculation, and it counts toward the 11.7 equivalency limit. The rule above clearly requires that if any countable aid is given, the player has to receive countable aid of at least 25% of an equivalency.
So for example, a player can't get 5% athletic aid and 20% exempt academic aid in order to reach 25%. The exempt academic aid isn't countable, and therefore doesn't meet the requirements of the rule. A player could be given non-exempt academic aid (for example, the player doesn't meet the GPA/SAT minimums) to reach the 25%, since the non-exempt acaademic aid is countable. The player would still consume 0.25 of the 11.7 equivalencies. In fact, every counter must use up at least 0.25 equivalencies.
Guys, I understand that you have both been certain that exempt academic money can be use to satisfy the 25%. You've repeated it several times. Now I'd like to ask you to either "put up or shut up": Please either provide a Bylaws citation that supports your position or let this be the last word.
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