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Alright anyone has one of these injuries before Im finding ice is helping. But I got this pain everytime I throw on the backest part of my shoulder. I can hear it doing some weird stuff in there like somethings tearing along. Anyways Im trying to get a answer seeing how I got a tournament down in South Carolina next week and have to catch about 5 games thruought the week.
"Until you bat 1.000 with no errors you'll always have something to work on" Derek Jeter
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You should listen to the advice you've received here and not throw another ball until you see an orthopedist. The ice may very well be helping with the symptoms/pain, but doing nothing for the injury. Like the guys said, keep throwing and you could possibly be ending your days of playing baseball. Have your parents call a reputable ortho doc tomorrow - preferrably one who deals in sports medicine.
Last off-season, I worked hard at building up the strength of my arm (bands and long toss) and working on proper mechanics. I got my arm to the point where it always felt 100%. However, one day out of the blue, my arm felt a little sore. I thought nothing of it, and just felt that my arm may be a little tired and it is normal for someone who throws a lot to be sore. So, I played through that game, and told my coach. The next game, I still felt sore, but continued to play. On a cutoff play, I was forced to make a long throw. After I made the throw, my arm went dead. I couldn't lift it if I tried. After the inning, I told my coach there was no way I could play the rest of the game. Smart decision on my part, but too late. I underwent rehab the whole summer and was unable to perform at my best level. I lost aobut 10 MPH on my velocity from short to first, and played a whole summer season at second base with some pain in my shoulder. The pain eventually went away with a proper throwing program, and this off-season I've been able to work my way back to where my arm was at the beginning of last season. I was fortunate enough to avoid surgery, but I know people who have had to receive surgery for this kind of injury. It is a rough process, but an experience I will never forget. You need to rest your arm and make the pain go away through stretching, icing, and rest. Eventually, the pain will be gone and you will be back to normal. Just be smart, and know your limits. No one knows your body like you do, so you make the decision.

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