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Originally posted by Baseballkid26:
Could someone please explain to me the basic mechanics of the rotational swing. Also, what are the advantages of rotational over linear?

There is no such thing as a 100% linear swing. There is no such thing as a 100% rotational swing either, but there is a swing that combines some of each that most people would call rotational. Smile

a linear swing is basically a weight shift swing from back to front. Lefthanded speed guys often use some form of this to their advantage.

a rotational swing is one where the rotation of the torso (ie) the hips swings the upper body and the bat thru the zone. Power guys often use some variation of this.

an oversimplification would be Ichiro for linear and Thome for rotational.

In reality no swing is 100% of either one. Most batters must start with some weight shift and then stop it to change to a rotational movement to complete the swing. The important part is to stop after the step and then hit or rotate against a firm front side.
rotational swings only have a piece of linear when striding. once the stride foot hits the ground, the swings become completely different.

rotational swings, at that point, then rotate around the center axis of the body, by the hips aggressively turning, bringing the shoulders, arms, and bat around with it. the front leg stiffens up, and the back leg breaks down into a L-shape, allowing the rear shoulder to dip and the back elbow to tuck, enabling the hitter to stay "inside the ball". with the back elbow going down and tucking in, the front elbow works its way up, matching the plane of the pitch.
rotational hitters don't swing down on the ball like most linear hitters. they swing level to the path of the ball, which is a slight uppercut.

for more info, go to

his forums are excellent!
Last edited by goMO
It isn't unusual for both the rotational and linear advocates to use the same hitter as an example of rotational or linear hitting. Pretty much everybody who has posted has given you good advice. Look at the sources they've quoted, learn from them and find out what works for you and who you can learn best from.

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