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Originally posted by Randy Downes:
Runner on 1st base-0 outs. Offensive team hit and runs with a ground ball being hit to the 2B. The 2B bobbles the ball slightly and throws wildly to 1B and the ball goes out of play on the throw. Where does the umpire place the runners.? Note: this was the first play by an infielder.

Assuming that BR and R1 had not both reached their next base at the time of the throw (a pretty valid assumption,) both get two bases from time of pitch, so now you have R2 and R3.
RD, you asked as if you knew the answer. So knowing what you do know, test for ya.

R1, 2 outs. B flares a little pop up behind 1B.
F4 tracks it down, dunks it off his glove and the ball skips toward the 1 base out of play line (fence line extended).

F4 scrambles after the ball he does a text book slide and to his knee pick up, R1 rounds, BR rounds 1st and should be dead meat at 2b. F4 scoops the ball raises to a knee set to throw as he rares back, the ball slips out and goes over and out of the field of play.

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