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Rule 4.03 says, "When the ball is put in play at the start of, or during a game, all fielders other than the catcher shall be on fair territory." Subpart (c) of this rule goes on to say, "Except the pitcher and the catcher, any fielder may station himself anywhere in fair territory."

If a first baseman has one foot in foul territory and one foot in fair territory while holding a runner on 1st base, it that a violation of this rule and, if so, what's the penalty? [One of my fellow umpires recently called a balk on the defensive team for this infraction, but my reading of the rule book cites the balk penalty only under rule 4.03(a), when a catcher isn't in the catcher's box when the pitch leaves the pitcher's hand during an intentional walk.]

If there is no penalty, does the umpire simply tell the defensive player to get in fair territory, or does one foot in fair territory count as being in fair territory?

Any interpretation help would be great!
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In Fed rules one in, one out is fine. Only in Fed is it a balk but I would certainly do some preventive umpiring first. In OBR technically both feet need to be in but official interps say ignore it unless there is a complaint, then enforce it equally for both teams. In OBR there is no penalty other than a "Don't do that" and an ejection if it persists. Again this a case of preventive umpiring and really shouldn't be an issue.

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