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from BA:
"When the Athletics paid the Devil Rays $100,000 to take Ryan Goleski with the first pick in the Rule 5 draft, they expected that his power bat would compete for a spot in their outfield next spring. What they didn't know is that Goleski is recovering from surgery to remove bone spurs in his hand ... the Indians and Athletics say they are trying to work together on a solution"

PERCEPTION.. I have this vision of brilliant baseball minds sorting thru piles of stats & scouting reports in a smoke filled room ... GIANT chalkboards with priority lists, etc - using the r-5 draft to fill key needs their their organization and take advantage some teams with too many prospects to protect

REALITY .. some front offices are run like the mythical(?) one on Seinfeld where George Castanza is a key exec using a coinflip OR "the magic 8 ball" to make decisions Eek - - guess I'll email the Tribe & suggest sending the A's a gift subscription to a newspaper, BA, or wishing them the best

hmmm , wait a minute ... could it be that simple???
the A's 8 ball is worn out & needs replaced??

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Do you find this unusual? I did? I wonder if there is something that we don't see. I thought the A's did their homework and actually have been graded rather high with the front office. Injuries seem to be the first thing you look at when going out to the used lot and "kick tires". When the Indians and Athletics say they are trying to work together on a solution there seems to be some guilt or pressure put on the Tribe that they knew more than they devulged. Maybe the "lemon law" is being enforced Big Grin .
Last edited by rz1
I didn't find it curious that he went high as he played here in Akron some this yr and did well. I found it strange that a team would "bid" at auction (draft), essentially OVERPAY by purchasing another team's first pick - then publicly admit they had no idea what they had purchased - better to just smile like ya KNEW what you were doing, keep the mouth closed & hope everything works out - that way a trade even could'a been a possibility

imo - no lemon law here, this wasn't a trade where things might need divulged - he wasn't being peddled pushed or mis-represented, he was reluctantly unprotected & the A's grabbed him & wrote a check

the thing that really must pis 'em off is they HAVE to keep him on the 40 or give him back & lose cash - Indians would love him back with cash
by admitting error it was like just throwing ca$h out the window -


Last edited by Bee>
by rz1: Athletics say they are trying to work together on a solution there seems to be some guilt or pressure put on the Tribe that they knew more than they devulged
someone can chime in if I'm on the wrong track, but ...

1) it cost the D'Rays $50k to pick

2) A's paid D'Rays $100k + the $50k to aquire the $50k player (however the technicalities)

3) if A's don't keep him on the 40 man they have to offer back to Tribe for $25K

----- part II financials

A's got a player & are down $150k

D'Rays played middleman, got nobody but are up $100K

Indians lost a guy but are up $50K

---- the A's screwed up & know they CAN"T keep him on the 40 ...

---- sooo, new financials part III

Indians, can have him back for $25K - but say we'll give ya $30K because we're nice Smile

now ...

A's down $120K, but have no player

D'Rays unchanged at middleman, still up $100k

Indians now up $20K, still have Goleski & he didn't even have to clean out his locker

Last edited by Bee>

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