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100 plus yes for steriods, but keep in mind this does not include ones that used human growth hormones, which they dont test for. Real sure the number will be way more than 100 if they tested for human growth hormones too.

Real simple way to end this abuse. You test positive for human growth hormone or steriods. One year ban, 2nd positive test, lifetime ban.
No appeals, no nothing.You test every player minor league and major leagues for both.

Interesting note players testing positive for steriods in the minors careers are basically over. They are being released fast.
It's not a surprise to hear a bunch of defense lawyers boo-hooing about this. And they think that this ruling will stop the players union from agreeing to continued testing.

I look at it this way...take the tests, or don't get paid. I'll use Barry Zito as an example. Zito just agreed to a contract paying him $18 million per year. He's joining a bunch of pampered athletes that make more than the GNP of many countries. They don't want to take the test? Fine...then go get a real job.

I'm sure Zito can probably make, oh, $100 per night playing his guitar in a smoky bar 6 days a week.

It's amazing how out of touch with reality some of these guys and their lawyers are.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Couldn't they also test for amphetamines and THC?

They do. "Greenies" are now banned. Pot always has been. I probably shouldn't say always. Roll Eyes

I'm sure Zito can probably make, oh, $100 per night playing his guitar in a smoky bar 6 days a week.

Zito would need to pay me $100 to listen. He is really bad. I mean bad horrible, not bad good, either.

Way off topic; Bronson Arroyo can actually sing.
Last edited by Dad04
Zito would need to pay me $100 to listen. He is really bad. I mean bad horrible, not bad good, either

Yeah, I heard him playing on ESPN, and he was bad horrible.

However, some of the music kids listen to is also bad horrible in my opinion. And I can remember my Dad telling me that what I was listening to was bad horrible..(not in those exact words).. Big Grin

Maybe people are just tone deaf until they hit 40?
Originally posted by 2seamer:
Zito would need to pay me $100 to listen. He is really bad. I mean bad horrible, not bad good, either

Yeah, I heard him playing on ESPN, and he was bad horrible.

However, some of the music kids listen to is also bad horrible in my opinion. And I can remember my Dad telling me that what I was listening to was bad horrible..(not in those exact words).. Big Grin

Maybe people are just tone deaf until they hit 40?

Could be I'm in the tone deef group, but I'm over 40. I can usually tell the difference between well played "music" I don't like and bad horrible musicians. jmo but "I don't hear a single." as the label scouts say.

He sings like I sound mowing the lawn with my iPod
Last edited by Dad04
It can be tested for, but like spinedoc said, only by a blood test, which the players union hasn't agreed on. If cleaning up the game is really as important as they say, major league baseball should ask an outside force to get involved, something like Congress. Make all the players tested, if they don't want to be then they can go flip burgers at burger king. They might get upset at first, but I bet when they realize they are getting paid millions of dollars to play a game they'll come around.
I'm surprised the Players Assoc hasn't used the doctor/patient privilage angle, or, maybe that is the approach they should have used when the tests were administered.

It's a dammed if you do dammed if you don't issue. While I despise gov't intervention, I think someone had to break this stalemate and bring this festering mess and it's cast of characters out in the open.
Last edited by rz1
Why not have the government involved, it is being run like the federal government anyway.

Over paying for everyday ordinary objects, (Ted Lilly and the NASA ashtray)

Reaching into the pockets of the constituents everytime they want to spend money, (taxes and increasing ticket prices)

Failure to police their own members, (just look at Congress or the MLB drug testing)

Shutting down every so often to pass a budget or collective bargaining

Turning America and America's game into using English as a second language.

So why not let the government run baseball, it appears they have all the qualifications.
I still believe the Government should stay out. I am not a lawyer, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express but from what I know about anti trust laws, they are to prohibit Monopolies, price fixing and so on. Baseball does not sell anything for public use other than entertainment. They already basically have a Monopoly but anyone can start another baseball league ,it has been tried in football more than once. If the Government could only live by those laws of control it may be one thing, but they will and are not. They are now trying to hold baseball resposible for drugs.How many companies get held accountable for their employees being on drugs? I am not opposed to testing and I am NOT a anti government guy. I am opposed to let the Government into anything as we give an inch they'll take ten miles. I won't be long before a pitcher goes to jail for buzzing the tower/ hitting a batter or a base runner doing time for taking out the catcher. This is a game. Baseball doesn't sell gas, groceries,electricity....nothing to directly that can hurt the public. There are other ways to make baseball compromise.

Deldad you have a point.
nothing to directly that can hurt the public. There are other ways to make baseball compromise.

That's were we differ.
The MLB, The Player's union, and the player's have a responsibilty to put out an honest product.
Not tainted by Steroid's are HGH.

The only one who can make that happen is the Government.
They owe it to the Children, the Fan's, and to the player's that are trying to play the game clean?
Then in all honesty, the Government needs to test all entities of Government work first. Police, fire, Public owned Hospitals, Postal workers, Government elected officials any part of employment paid for with taxpayers money. Once they can get their own in order, they can extend their arm into private practice. Just my opinion.
I care about any person that uses that can potentially affect my life, directly or indirectly. Some might say "how can it affect your life?".

My kids interact on the road, in public places daily.

My tax dollars go to rehab programs and Convict Inns aka prisons.

My tax dollars go to investigating and prosecuting the drug industries

Drugs lead to other illegal activities

Our society is becoming dysfunctional and split due to drugs.

There will always be unfortunate situations that occur and we should have some safety net in place. However, we need to draw a line in the dirt so the problems situations somehow flatten out. Right now we are allowing those who our kids idolize to set poor examples. Drug use is a "trickle down" problem where those who we expect to set examples are doing so in the wrong way. If they cannot control/police themselves someone needs to force the issue. That's the shame of the situation.
Last edited by rz1
EH I understood where you were coming from, and let me do the digressing around here as I have a lot of experience. Big Grin

We need to take the blinders off and realize that stats/records and who tests +/- is not the issue. The issue is why do we put such a high value on a game where the players of the game find it acceptable to cheat, or protect those who do. Not every player cheats, but I'll bet every player knows of someone who does, and then keeps it quiet. There are two active threads, one concerning drug use and the other about what makes baseball so great. Both of those threads deal with reality, and neither raise the issue of "records", because records are pale in comparison to whats really important in those threads.

I wish I had the time and financial support to start a grass roots effort, and as fans of the game have a web site that would be signed by visitors that calls out the Players Association to test and disclose names of those who test positive. Right now we let MLB, MLBPA, and the government to "backburner" this issue wth smoke and mirrors. Let those who pay for the tickets, buy the jerseys, and watch the games on TV demand that the players and teams themselves become accountable. With the right technical set-up and marketing there is a chance that a site could get a 1 million names demmanding answers.

This is not about broken records, it is about drug use and peer pressure our kids "idols" have made in their lives
Last edited by rz1

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