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As usual, 3Finger beats me to the punch.

On a long side note, back in 1941, the legend is that Red Sox player \ manager Joe Cronin gave explicit instructions for the last day of the season, which happened to be a double header against Philadelphia, that any runner at first base was to do his best to get in the way of any ball hit by Ted Williams so it would be scored a hit and the Splendid Splinter could maintain his .400 average. Williams had been given the option of taking the day off with his .3996 (which would've rounded to .400), but declined.

Back in the day, most teams played a big shift against old, "they can't play high enough" Ted, who was dead pull. So there were lots of bodies on the right side of the field.

As it turned out, Williams went 6-8 that day with a HR, 2b and 4 singles (none hit a runner) to finish at .406.

If Williams had played at Tiger Stadium and hadn't served in WW II & the Korean War as a fighter pilot, giving up 5 years of his prime, would we really care about Barry Bonds today?

They built the bull pens in right field at Fenway so Williams would have a little more room for long fly balls after he came back from WWII. It was a 400' poke to straight away right back in Ted's day and he hit 521.

More information than the scoring question originally asked...
Originally posted by YHF:
Batter hit ball at F4 and R1 tried to jump the grounder. Ball hit him. Dead ball, runner is out.

How is this scored? Is there a 'runner interference' or similar scoring? Also how do you score this for the batter?


Batter is credited with a hit as stated above. Runner is out as stated above.

Record the out 4U (4 unassisted). You give the put-out to the closest fielder. In this case is sounds like the second baseman was the guy.

You must have a put-out credited to someone so that the box will equal at the end of the game.

Keep in mind....If the infield is in and the infielder missed the ball or had an opportunity to field the ball and it hit the runner, the runner is not out. (meaning if the ball passes an infielder that could have fielded the ball before it hits the runner)
Last edited by LOW337

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