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"Interfernce is an act by a member of the team at bat which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play. The fielder has the right of way.

Had the ball gone by the fielder and the fielder remained in the runners path, this could be obstruction by the fielder, once the ball passes a fielder who's had an attempt to field the ball the fielder no longer has the right to obstruct the runners advance.
Runner interference all the way. Even if a runner doesn't collide and he blatantly stands in the fielder's path (to obstruct the fielder's view) it is runner interference. This, I find is a commonly miss called play. The runner can NEVER purposely hinder a fielder's view of an oncoming ball. Also, a runner has the right to leave the basepath mommentarily if a fielder is in the baseline given the runner makes the first available path to return to the baseline (be it clear a RETURN TO BASEPATH and not a direct shot towards a bag)

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