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Hello all,
My son is 13 playing LL junior ball. Here is my situation: over the last 6 months he has grown from 5'4" and 175lbs (I know, I know) with size 9 shoes to 5'8.5" (at the moment) and 160lbs with new size 12 cleats. Naturally he runs like a cement truck. He is trying to learn to run on his toes with the proper forward lean, but he looks like he is stomping cockroaches when he runs. What can I do as a coach who knows nothing about teaching running form to help him out? I have two other kids on my team who will also really benefit from this as well. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks.

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I suggest you find the track coach at the HS and ask him for a reference. (he might help also)

I would relax and not worry too much right now also as your son will go through periods where he is a complete clod and then he will "grow into his frame".

I know this from personal experience as my son is now 6'3" and is just starting to grow into his body.(Soph - I think he is still about a year away from getting his full coordination back) Between 13 - 14 he looked like a baby gazelle going down the line with legs and arms flying all over the place, it was pretty hilarious.

We purposely have stayed away from combines as I could see PG’s descriptions of him being “has D1 potential once his arms and legs start moving in the same direction….”

He kind of looked like this:

(Well maybe not this cute)
BOF has given it all to you. As a player, I went through the same thing, my freshman year I grew 6" to 6'4" and was really un-coordinated. It was messy, my footwork was akward, my running form was real slow and lumbering, it was just that I had not grown into my body.

Some things to work with:

1. As said before, the track coach consult and time will be the first two things.

2. Start lifting, you biggest time will be during the winter, now I am not 100% sure if it would be a great idea because my knowledge is limited as to adding weight to a growing body, but try a bulk over the off-season, focus big time on the squats and lower body explosive lifts (mainly any olympics lift with the lower body will work on it.)

3. Try some plyometrics, this will work the foot work better, and incorporate fast feet. This you could probably talk to a football coach about, or maybe even the high school baseball team will do them. They are becoming super popular for agility.

4. Another thing is stretching, the term (i believe) are dynamic and static. Stretching was a big big big benefit to me because it increased alot of things for me.

5. The one thing that helped me the most, and it may or may not help your son is using a harness... My travel coach introduce them to are team. Basically, its a strap around the runners shoulders and someone is holding the end of a rope and adding resistence to the running motion, basically making you run in slow motion.... Its a nasty leg workout and it helps you see and feel your form.

Now, my senior year I am 6'4" 218lbs, I run a 7.30 sixty, which is not super fast but decent.

First of all, letting the boys know that this is part of growing up and that they can/will get their coordination back is huge!

Things that may help foot speed and fielding as well:

Agility ladders
Jumping rope
Running Form Drills: High knees, butt kickers, karaoke
Practicing Starts: See the thread called Lowering 60 Times in the Recruiting Section
Running Hills: improves strength

Time the kids at the beginning and periodically ever so often. This helps them see the improvement!
Hope this helps.

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