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Pity the poor Miami Dolphins owner, who said it wasn't about the money.

When someone says it's not about the money, then it surely IS about the money. Would Saban have left for 3.2 million dollars? Not a chance. It's all about the money. Wait till Saban gives his newfound 'Bama players lectures about honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing. What a joke. He's just the latest in a very long line of college coaches to bolt for more money, leaving behind the guys they lectured on integrity, etc.(Butch Davis, Miami to Cleveland, Franchione, Alabama to Texas A & M, Tuberville, Mississippi to Auburn, etc.)

Baseball may not be quite so bad, because the money isn't the same, but wouldn't it be nice if just once a coach told the truth and said "I can be bought and have been bought".

Next he'll say he did it "for his family", like he couldn't feed them on his current $4,500,000 per year.
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The question is what would you do?

Set your family up for life in an environment (college) that your family prefers.


Put your ego in front of your family.

An awkward couple of weeks for the Saban family which I feel was handled in the best way possible. How else could it have been dealt with? When it comes to my family I can be bought and swallow my pride without a hint of guilt.
Last edited by rz1
I was thinking about this before it was announced, and I have two different feelings about it. On the one hand, Saban had an obligation to Wayne Huizinga and the Miami Dolphins to stay with the team and build it back into a winner. He was getting enough money that he's set for life if he manages it well.

On the other hand, you'd have to question the wisdom of anyone who turns down the kind of guaranteed money that Alabama threw Saban's direction. Would you really want someone that financially dumb to be running your organization? Seriously, would you?

I can see merit to both sides, and would happily argue for either side, but I just have to question the judgement of anyone who'd walk away from that much guaranteed money, unless the Dolphins came up with some big counter-offer to keep him and he still walked away.

It is also conceivable that you might want to question the wisdom of anyone who would give even one second of thought to Saban's choice to upgrade from millions a year - to bazillions. LOL

Lou - like so many others - just wants more.

Forget obligations and all that other stuff. He just wants more - and more and more. And any media acceptable excuse - with the able assistance of a solid PR firm - will do just fine. It will even sell a few books down the road as well.

When Lou calls me about my electric bill - then maybe I will seriously analyze Lou's decision. Until that time occurs - Good luck Louie. LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
since I have been living this day and night here in FL, will give you my take.

I pretty much go with Hokieone on this.

First of all, the man was given carte blanche to do what he wanted and a lot of money to do it (same amount 4 million a year but not for as long of a TERM, that's what makes it more money). He got an 8 year contract with Alabama. Dolphins gave him 3.

Nick Saban found out he is NOT NFL material, he even coached like he was still back in college. If he didn't step it up by next year he was a gonner for sure. He really didn't belong here. He supposedly took one of the best NFL franchises and took it apart piece by piece and didn't know how to get it back together again. The man had 27 assistants yet I understand everything had to be done HIS way. He even had more say than the GM. Wayne made a mistake.

Nick Saban's agent put out the word last november he was looking to go back to coach in college. When asked in press conferences if he was considering he denied it (which was ok, I understand that) but at one point he swore on his wife and kids lives he was NOT going to Alabama. Wayne gave him until this morning at 10 am to make up his mind and asked that he come to the stadium for a press conference. By the time the press conference was to take place Nick was on a plane to Alabama.

I taught my kids to make commitments and stick with them. Why should a college or NFL coach be different. This goes against what I have preached all of their lives. I wouldn't want my son to go play for a coach who would out and out lie in public or show no respect for the fans, his assistants or his players (he never said one word to any of them).

That whole thing just doesn't sit well with lots of us here in Florida.

Now there are some stories circulating that Wayne may have fired him and let him save face, who knows, but swearing alone on his family's lives just goes to show what an egotistical *** they say he is.


Yes, who is LOU?
Last edited by TPM
I have zero problem with him leaving, BUT, I have a huge problem with him swearing up and down that he wasn't leaving for Alabama. The worst part is that he even took offense when reporters asked him whether or not he was leaving. It is one thing to follow the money, but don't belittle reporters for doing their job when they were correct all along.
Perhaps, just perhaps, until just recently Saban had no intention of making the move---then 'Bama came up with the big bucks and he changed his mind

And perhaps, just perhaps, he like a few before him , can we say Lou Holtz or Steve Spurrier, realized that he was a better college coach than a pro coach
Last edited by TRhit
piaa_ump - thanks for that information because I was wondering if there was a connection between the two coaches.

From all I have heard and remember about Lou Saban - he was a great coach. I do remember the Buffalo teams he had in the early 70's. I believe George Steinbrenner coached with Lou at one of his previous stops.
Personally I think Alabama has done Miami a big favor. I just never felt that Saban was comfortable with this position and after two years he certainly hadn't done anything that indicated he was going to be able to turn this program around. His draft choices had not been that good, he screwed up with regards to Culpepper, the team is aging and the division is getting tougher. This decision was pretty much a no brainer, take the money and run.

My problem with this is his continued denial. I don't blame him for taking the money, I just feel there was a better way for him to respond to the rumors. Coaching in the NFL is obviously a lot different than coaching in college and recent history indicates success at one level doesn't equate to success at the other.
I have zero problem with him leaving, BUT, I have a huge problem with him swearing up and down that he wasn't leaving for Alabama. The worst part is that he even took offense when reporters asked him whether or not he was leaving. It is one thing to follow the money, but don't belittle reporters for doing their job when they were correct all along.

I agree 100%. I have more of an issue with his acts after making the decision. If you are going to trash the press for asking, have the guts to face them after the decision. Don't make the owner come out and be left standing holding the bag. Be a man. Face the tough questions. jmo
Last edited by Bighit15
I am with you on that one, not the leaving part, but how he handled the whole thing. If you made a mistake admit it and move on, but be a man about it.

Did you see the wife on TV telling people Wayne wouldn't let them go? What the heck was that all about, sounded like Wayne took them hostage.

Nick is where he should be, in a college town where he will get the adoration he needs, that he didn't get here in Florida.

I wonder how he is going to present himself with his recruits.... talking about commitment, honesty and integrity?
I wonder how he is going to present himself with his recruits.... talking about commitment, honesty and integrity?

Unfortunately I don't thing it will make a lick of difference and I am pretty sure the boosters from Bama feel the same way. The guy is slick and I am sure he will be able to spin this any way he wants when he is sitting in a high school kids living room. Doesn't make it right, its just the way it is.
Originally posted by jmepop:
I wonder how he is going to present himself with his recruits.... talking about commitment, honesty and integrity?

Unfortunately I don't thing it will make a lick of difference and I am pretty sure the boosters from Bama feel the same way. The guy is slick and I am sure he will be able to spin this any way he wants when he is sitting in a high school kids living room. Doesn't make it right, its just the way it is.

Well, he can probably say with a straight face he will be there at least 4 or 5 years, which is all he asks of the kids. I'm not sure how long he can say that though...
Last edited by Dad04
TPM has shed some light on all of this with facts that I heretofore hadn't heard about. Also gotta agree about not wanting my kids to play for a coach who shows a huge lack of integrity.

One thing that hasn't been said yet is who in his right mind would want to coach at Bama as long as some of their boosters still remember how to say "The Bear". Maybe it's getting better over there with time, but I remember some pretty decent coaches that were run off because they couldn't walk on water.
Originally posted by StyleMismatch:
TPM has shed some light on all of this with facts that I heretofore hadn't heard about. Also gotta agree about not wanting my kids to play for a coach who shows a huge lack of integrity.

One thing that hasn't been said yet is who in his right mind would want to coach at Bama as long as some of their boosters still remember how to say "The Bear". Maybe it's getting better over there with time, but I remember some pretty decent coaches that were run off because they couldn't walk on water.

Of course all of the stuff comes out after the guy leaves. They were saying today on the radio that he was a maniac and yelled and screamed at people and belittled his coaching staff in front of others. In other words, he was NOT nice.

I guess that is what happens when you give someone power as Wayne did, they abuse it.

I am mad at Huzienga, he should have fired him the evening of the last Dolphin game. But I guess he also fell for Saban's garbage.
BTW, he was given a 5 year contract with the Dolphins at 4.5 (I think)mil a year. But I think his job was on the line by next year. His coaching record the worst in Dolphin history.

Yes, he didn't get much, but he spent too much money for Culpepper and cried the blues they needed Ricky Williams. He PLAYED the game as a college coach, not NFL. The LEAST he could do was admit he made a mistake coming to the NFL and face the media here instead of running away.

Also heard that at his press conference he told them to sit the forida reporters way in the BACK during his press conference. He's a chicken.
Last edited by TPM
Beenthere makes a good point about how quickly things can be turned around in college. They can also be turned around quickly in the NFL as well although no one has yet accused Saban of being the next Bill Walsh at recognizing talent.

To me the issue is not integrity or money with this guy - it is all about the attention. I have read elswhere about his famous dress-downs in public of his staff. This shows a tiny, shallow person on the inside. It is all about him and it is NEVER his fault. I have also read from more than one source that it is Saban himself that always starts the rumors of his impending departure(s). He simply needs the attention. I would tell him good riddance.
One thing that hasn't been said yet is who in his right mind would want to coach at Bama as long as some of their boosters still remember how to say "The Bear". Maybe it's getting better over there with time, but I remember some pretty decent coaches that were run off because they couldn't walk on water.

I'm not familiar with Saban as I don't follow the NFL at all really. However, having lived in Alabama and having family that still lives there including my brother.... he doesn't sound like what they look for in a football coach. "Walk on Water" pretty much sums it up! Hard place to coach football!!
My bet is that Nick Saban has found his nitch and 15 years from now he will have SEC championships, National titles, and every team will have the Alabama game circled on their schedule. Why not?

It seems that everyone is against him because of the way he played this out. In hindsight, he would probably would change the way it unfolded, but hindsight is 20/20. We see situations like this in every profession, the only difference is who's holding the pen. The medias intention is finding and pursucuting a bad guy, in this case Saban, he duped the media for the sake of his existing team. Every profession has it's fallouts. We see professors, police chiefs, fire chiefs, DA's, high level administrators, and many more leave their positions and the reason is they left for a better situation. In most cases we accept it as their choice and wish them well. In Sabans case, I wish him well and hope he's found his "home".
Saban will be in the hunt for the National Title at Alabama in 3 years.

Look what he did at LSU?

I don't like what he did with the Dolphins and how he did it, but this is big time business and it's every man for himself.

Like I said elsewhere, he now gets a shot at 25 #1 players each year instead of just 1 #1 pick in the NFL draft each year.
Great coach, I agree.

However, between his transient track record and his newfound home in Has-Been Alabama, the recruits you are talking about will go elsewhere.

Jimbo Fisher had as much to do with Saban's success at LSU as Saban himself....and Jimbo is on his way to Tallahassee after making mincemeat of Weiss's bunch.

My prediction:

An Alabama buy out in less than 5 years and no top 5 finishes!
Saban handled this like most coaches in recent times...poorly and with lie after lie.

At the bottomline he is set financially from what he has been paid by Miami. This is all about his realization that he can't cut it in the NFL. He's presently ruined Miami by trading away draft picks for a questionable Dante Culpepper and a worthless qb in Joey Harrington.

It's one thing to have total control over the life of college student-athletes and another to be able to coach grown men, most of whom are millionaires and can recognize Saban for the bs artist he is.

He won 1/2 a championship with LSU and would never have beaten USC that year if the BCS had gotten things straight. 'Bama is a program of a bye gone era and the SEC a conference as tough as there is. The most famous Saban will remain Lou and the Tide faithful will continue the search for Bear Bryant's DNA.
Just had to look this up. Here is Saban's coaching record. This gets you 4 million dollars a year and makes you the highest paid coach in college. this is truly sick. (I wonder what a professor at 'Bama makes

Saban must have Mike Hampton's agent.

Year Team
1990 Toledo 9-2
1995 Michigan St. 6-5-1
1996 Michigan St. 6-6
1997 Michigan St. 7-5
1998 Michigan St. 6-6
1999 Michigan St. 9-2
2000 LSU 8-4
2001 LSU 10-3
2002 LSU 8-5
2003 LSU 13-1
2004 LSU 9-3

National Football League

2005 Miami 9-7
2006 Miami 6-10

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