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Mark Robert, known as Redsox8191 here on HSBW, passed away on Monday after a brief battle with cancer. Mark was only 45 and leaves behind 2 beautiful children...a 21 year old daughter Kristin and his son Michael, a high school junior Mark spoke of often on this forum. May he rest in peace.
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Breaks my heart to hear this news today. Mark and I never met, but through this forum, we exchanged dozens of emails. He knew my son played for Northeast baseball and had received a D1 scholarship. He aspired for his son Mike to do the same. I urged him to follow the same path and he was thrilled when Mike made the U17 roster. He wanted nothing more than to see his son recover from Tommy John fully and play college ball at a high level. His love for baseball and his son was evident in every message we shared.

My thoughts go out to his family and I hope his son fulfills Mark's dream.
So very sad and seemingly so very sudden. I knew Mark from back when we worked together at a local grocery store and we had the same circle of friends. We kept in touch a few times once our boys were playing HS ball... him always trying to get the inside scoop on the "affairs" at BG when Detering was there... Like others my thoughts/prayers go out to the family.

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