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He does indeed live on a farm just outside of Hudson...he's pretty well known in town after the story of his mugging appeared in the Hudson Herald.

I read in the Herald that he was accosted Tuesday morning on the lane entering his Hog Heaven Acres ranch. The story, Local Pig Survives Butchered Robbery Attempt, was front page news.

The Herald reported that two men, 25 yr.old Kris Bacon and 28 yr.old Fred Yeggs, attempted to rob Bud Squealig as he was walking back towards his ranch after collecting his mail from the box at the end of the lane. Evidently the two muggers thought that Mr. Squealig's pig-pension check was included in Mr. Squealig's mail that day.

According to the Hudson Police report of the crime, Mr.Squealig was approached from behind and grabbed by his tail. Bacon and Yeggs then demanded that he "pork it over!" Mr. Squealig managed to unscrew himself from their grasp and whirled around and ham hocked both of them. They both slopped to the ground.

As Bacon and Yeggs were out cold, Mr. Squealig squealed loudly to his ranch manager, Don Fineswine, and instructed him to call the police and then bring him some rope. Mr. Squealig then hog-tied his assailants. The two muggers were taken into custody by Hudson Police and loaded into the pattywagon and taken to Hudson City Jail for processing.

Mr. Squealig was unharmed, complaining only of a sore tail, which appeared to have lost most of its curl. The St.Paul Saints management reports that Mr. Squealig was in good spirits after the attack and offered this statement by Mr.Squealig "Without a snout it would behoove them not to sty that again. I ham not afraid to chop them, or any-oink else."

Lt.Lards Porcine, Hudson Police spokesperson, said Bacon and Yeggs have been charged with salting pork and battery. They are scheduled to appear before Judge Roy "Lima" Bean Monday.
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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