Two players - same name, same graduation year, same state, same primary positions, both attended PG showcases, etc....
Both are very good high school players who can hit, field, run. One is a very good player who received some D3 and Juco interest. The other was also a very good high school player, but higher level prospect as a result of his numbers, times, and doing very well at a PG event.
After doing well at the showcase, a number of D1 colleges had interest in the prospect and started calling and emailing the other player's coach. At that time, the coach had not had any calls on the player and was surprised to be getting that kind of interest all of a sudden. He knew he had a good player, but didn't expect to hear from D1's.
Eventually it was straightened out and the one player signed with a D1, and the other has committed to a JUCO. The reason it was hard to workout in this situation is that both were very good players who are so similar and are both going on to play at the next level.