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I've been gone for a few days watching my child play in a tournament. However, coming back, I see the same ole arguments taking place. The agenda's reek. Let's share our opinions and agree to disagree. Sometimes one side or the other can win the argument but lose in every way that is important. We have seasoned vets and new members (I question whether some of these are new members!) getting after each other. We have people stating their opinions as fact. So, let's understand some things. I believe some members are wearing their welcome's out. I've gone and read about an hour of posts and did I mention about those agenda's? I've definately gained the impression that some new members believe that since this is a message board anything is fair game. You won't be around long. Count on that! This is a "heads up" that the Board Manners will be followed. We will not mention kids names and attack any kid. We will get along or at least agree to disagree.

Finally, as I've mentioned, I've been on the road watching my child. I think it a shame that I have to give the owner of the site and some other Moderators a "head's up" that I'm leaving for some time due to the posting habits of our members that frequent the Illinois Forum. I'm not privy to the pettiness of your arguments. How about taking stock in this site and making it a positive experience? How about doing good without attacks on those that don't agree with you? How about noticing that you don't walk on water and so, your opinions aren't fact. ... Some members of the Illinois Forum are top notch. Some members make me very proud of the baseball people of this state. Some members represent all that is good not only of our state but our country. Be "THAT GUY!" (LADY AS WELL!)

Darrell Butler

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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FYI, for all members, this is NOT DIRECTED at any one person. It is directed at many in the Illinois Forum since we have had to take "actions" against several members to include both Old Timers and New Members. As I said, I've been gone and I thought it a shame to give a "heads up" before I left to other Moderators and to MN-Mom. I think we have outstanding members in this forum. Some take things personal. Some have agendas. Some just love the game. We all need to do a better job including myself. I'm taking an educated guess that the Illinois Forum requires more "actions" than any other forum. That doesn't make sense given the quality of the people in our great state.

I hope that clears it up for everyone.

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