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My son got home last week and we went out to the field over the weekend and he showed me his winter throwing strength and conditioning program. It was developed by his college in conjunction with Ron Wolforth and uses sand filled balls from Oates. I thought I would post this, particularly for our friends in inclement climates, as it would be a perfect way to stay, or get in shape indoors. All you need is a set of sand balls and a durable wall. They have been using it successfully for a number of years and my son told me he expects that they will have 6 pitchers from his DIII program throwing in the 90’s this year. I am not really at liberty to disclose the program but thought that letting players know that the balls existed and how convenient they are would be a benefit. They have all kinds of other performance stuff also.

My son uses the full set and throws them in different positions and just catches the ball after it hits the wall and he can go through his workout in less than a half hour all by himself. Very convenient also if you don’t have someone to throw with.
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