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Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I can hardly believe this is the first no-hitter in NY Mets history.

51 seasons a long time.

There were a few Mets pitchers who threw them after they left the Mets

Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver, Dwight Gooden, David Cone

There were 10 pitchers who threw no-hitters before joining the Mets and 7 pitchers who threw them after they left the Mets.

Oh..Just saw the instant replay of the ball hitting the line and the ump blew it. It shouldn't have been a no-hitter but it is what it is.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Oh, cause you're a Mets hater?

C'mon, gotta give the guy props for the no hitter!

papi that was half tongue in cheek! Smile

K, the Phils are hanging in with half their starting lineup. Can't win the division every year.

Can anybody say replay. If other sports can do it so can MLB, not just for homeruns.
Last edited by fillsfan
Can anybody say replay. If other sports can do it so can MLB, not just for homeruns.

Can we say better umpires?

This was a tough call that got missed. But I'm told he rushed himself and called it foul before he really allowed himself to fully read the play.

But there have been a few calls where people shout or replay that are simply blown calls. Schreiber the other night with the Royals game, Welke with the Dodgers/Rockies a few weeks back both good examples..
Here's the problem with replay on that kind of play: Where do you put the runner once the umpire calls the ply dead? If replay were used and overruled the play do you put Beltran? On 1st or 2nd? What if there were other runners would you score one from 1st? What if the runner was going with the pitch. It could be a nightmare.

With all that said for bang bang plays at first or tag plays at bases if Managers had two challenges like football it might not take any longer to resolve than the argument will and no one will get tossed. Just step out of the dugout ask for replay and within two minutes or 90 seconds play reviewed. Or create a replay offical and do it in 60 seconds.
I agree 100% luv with your first paragraph. That is an issue but somehow that has to be worked out. The offensive team would much rather the guy from first not score on a replay decision than calling a fair ball foul.

There has to be a way to get these types of calls correct when they effect games and records so drastically.
The ball was ruled foul. It's a no-hitter. Baseball is slow enough for the average fan without replaying a bunch of plays. An acceptable method may be to allow two or three appeals per game. How about if the appeal is wrong the incorrect teams loses trips to the mound? An incorrect appeal means pitchers must be yanked on the first visit in the late innings. There has to be a penalty to make them think twice about appealing.
Last edited by RJM

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