I have gone to seminars whereby the college coach puts on the board these numbers as a min to what is implied to play baseball at X school. 1000 SAT and 3.0 GPA. So it was my impression son would not be eligible to play D1 or D2. So I looked at the NCAA site and there is a sliding scale. I called NCAA and yes that is true. If your son is somewhat weak in these areas, all is not lost at least as far as being eligible to play according to the NCAA. Of course the most important thing is student has taken all the core classes required for the D1 and D2 schools. I would have to assume the figures coming from the coaches are their standards, .i.e don't want to hold hand of "lazy" student. And another issue I checked with was retaking the SAT/ACT. A college coach told me December of senior year was the last chance for new test to be posted for the 09 kids. According to NCAA that is not true. Anyone know where this rumor is coming from?
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