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Your pm was whiney and not anything that you haven't said on here before, in public.

BTW, in another recent post, you have expressed concern for your son, the same this parent did. How would you have liked it if the audience made comments aobut him?

Give respect where respect is due, think once or twice before you post.

Have a fun day!
I don't know the player and if the ladies would read what I said Sounds like.
Just like the Ladies Guild sound like they are biased. TR are I don't always agree but I respect him and his knowledge more than some.
One of the problems is that when communicating with people they often read more into what is said because of their issues with the person who said it.
TPM I made those comments knowing full well you were out there.
I didn't say one thing negative and have no problem expressing concern over his awful performance. The truth is the truth and I am not afraid to admit it even if it involes my son.
You had no right to make public my private post as it was possibly embarassing to others involved. I learned a lot about you and a lot from the 1st time you sent me a PM. I haven't revealled that yet.

I love that part about my post was whiney. So that gave you the right to post publically what I said in private. You are an arrogant person and your motherly approach is insicere atbest.

You turned a simple statement into a war of personalities. That staement was not an insult to anyone who can read.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
You don't even care"""". Is this arrogance or what. When you start dictating what people can say we are in real trouble.
I think that last statement says it all.

Could care less about what you think.

As far as Just I have no problem with what he said. It was his view and he dragged himself into the war of words. TPM you are a totally different issue.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Get over it. Get over UNLV. Get over who your son worked with years ago, get over how mnay milb players you know, how your son pitched in HS. Get over blaming summer programs, girlfriends, pitching coaches.

When you get over it, you can tell someone else their son "sounds immature".

Take your own advice and move on.

Get on a pair on glasses, JBB was first to suggest what I did above.

I find it sooooo entertaining how some of you "experts" can't stand up to another dad but you'll take on a mom in a minute.

Last edited by TPM
BBHDoll ...
Could care less about what you think.

Methinkest thou protest too much.

By the way, as far as the PM comment ... that was addressed to TRHit and if you had not made a comment about it, most of us would not have known of whom he was talking.

As far as the Ladies' Guild and our opinions and who we address ... we are pretty frustrated with the way Mr TRHit has felt comfortable (in his own skin, thank goodness) to enter the Ladies' Only forum (which we prefer to refer to as the "Ladies' Lounge") and start making comments in topics which require no masculine opinion. And I think there are more than a few of us who are tired of sitting by and not expressing our opinions. Oh, yes, in case you might wonder ... there are several HSBBW men who share the same opinions as the Ladies' Guild. Only when they address the party in question, little if anything is countered.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
One page of advice to mcphesh, two entire pages of arguments between posters.

Can we take it outside?
I've got a bucket of waterballoons in opposing corners of the yard.

A 17/18 year old kid may or may not be immature,... but no one gets to say anything insulting ( intentional or not ) about him, but his momma.

I think we should save this battle for a seperate post. Mcphesh is new,..and we arent really showing her our best side(s). I think she is truely looking for advice, and her son just had a setback.
Lets help, if we can.
Last edited by shortstopmom
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