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I might be asked to be my sons high school scorekeeper this season, and I have a few questions that I hope somebody can answer for me. Question # 1 . E.R.A. What is the official formula to fiqure it out. Also, does the innings of a game have anything to do with the formula. Example, High school game is 7 innings and a Major League game is 9.
Question # 2. Last year in the Colt Regionals, I witnessed this play and was wondering how the scorekeeper would score it. A line drive hit over 2nd base towards the gap between center and right, runner rounds 1st and hustles towards 2nd. Alertly the 1st baseman sees that the runner misses 1st base, calls for the ball to be thrown to 1st. As soon as he receives the ball, he touches 1st and the umpire calls the runner out. How would this be scored ?
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hoov15 ...

I know I used to have a link to a scorekeeping tutorial source on the web, but can't find it anymore. But here is a decent link for some scorekeeping tips ...

and if your go to their message board @

you can post questions based on different rules.

Have fun ... and I agree that Glovers is a great scorebook (I have had to duct tape my binder to keep it from falling apart after all the games). There is also one called "The Ultimate Scorebook" which is a large, spiral book with BOTH teams on the same page ... no more flipping back and forth. I know a good source for both books if you are interested (send me a PM).

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hoov15 ...

PM = private message. Go to the poster's name on his/her message, left click on the name, and you will get a drop down menu list. There is one that says "invite (poster's name) to a private topic" ... click on it and it will take you to a message box, similar to a topic message box. Type away and then "post". The message will be sent to the poster at their e-mail address thru HBBW. Also, if you tell them that they have a PM, they can go to the top of the forum under "my space", left click, and go to any private messages that include them. I am sending you one so you can practice from the "my space" field, or you can reply thru the one that is sent to your address.

Have fun.


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