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Can there be an error on an attempted double play? I once heard that the scorer cannot assume the double play...therefore no errors on attempted double plays

For ball...fielder catches the fly ball and then attempts to get the runner on base out by throwing to 1st. The 1st baseman fumbles the ball and the runner is safe. There is one out on the fly ball...can there be an error charged to the first baseman? Assuming the double play?
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According to MLB scoring guidelines an error should be charged every time a muffed ball prolongs the life of the runner or batter. If a throw is made on a double play attempt that
the fielder should be able to catch with "ordinary" effort then an error should be charged.

However, no error should be charged if a throw is offline to try to complete a double play.

Another example is a dropped foul ball-prolonging the life of the batter-regardless of whether he consequently reaches base or not. The only reason this would not be an error is if in the opinion of the O.S. the fielder misplayed the foul ball on purpose so that a winning run could not be scored on a tag play.

Would appreciate other input if my definitions are wrong.
In your first question.....the answer is NO and sometimes.....There can be an error on an attempted double play BUT only under these circumstances.... first the rule citation.

NFHS rule 9 Section 5 article 5 (C)

C. Neither catcher nor infielder is charged an error for a wild throw in an attempt to complete a double play, Unless the throw is so wild that it permits the runner to advance an additional base. But if a player drops a thrown ball when by holding it he would have completed a double play it is an error.

So in a normal circumstance an error should not be charged to a fielder for a muffed throw to complete a double play unless he throws the ball so wild the runner gets an advanced advanced base no error.......

In your second instance.....the answer again is No and sometimes

Same rule citation (different section)

NFHS rule 9 Section 5 article 5 (D)

D. A fielder is not charged an error for accurately throwing to a base whose baseman fails to stop or try to stop a ball, provided there was a good reason for the throw. If the runner advances because of the throw, the error is charged to the fielder who covered that base

So in your second instance an error should not be charged to a outfielder for the throw to complete a double play. An error can be charged to the baseman if he muffed the ball so that the runner gets an advanced base....the baseman can also be charged with an error if the fielder drops an accurate thrown ball when by holding it he would have completed a double play...

Even although I am certified in other codes (NCAA, OBR, Legion) I only cite NFHS here since this is a HS site.
Last edited by piaa_ump
Here you go. It is substantially the same as NFHS with a minor word changes. found on page 109-110 NCAA rule book.

NCAA rule 10 section 16 (Exception 3)

E. No player is charged an error for a poor throw in an attempt to complete a double play, Unless the throw is so wild that it permits the runner to advance an additional base.

Same rule citation (different exception)

NCAA Rule 10 section 16 (exception 4)

4. A fielder is not charged an error for accurately throwing to a base whose baseman fails to stop or try to stop a ball, provided there was a good reason for the throw. If the runner advances because of the throw, the error is charged to the fielder who covered that base
Last edited by piaa_ump
Im so sorry, I've been looking at this from the throwing fielders point of view and I may have missed your intention. I have updated my initial response to include the ruling on the aplicable error for the baseman dropping the ball...

NCAA- An error can be made on an accurate throw. If a player drops a thrown ball when by holding it would have completed a double play , it is an error.

If the first baseman drops the ball he gets the error.
Last edited by piaa_ump

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