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Maybe the higher rounds or different geographic areas see more of the in home visits but I could count on one hand all my son had. We did have lots of phone calls from scouts and discussions with them at the ball games. The ones that did come to the house would chat, watch ESPN, eat my snacks ---- give eye and profile tests. I enjoyed the discussions. No big deal. Big Grin

Originally posted by Fungo:
Maybe the higher rounds or different geographic areas see more of the in home visits but I could count on one hand all my son had. We did have lots of phone calls from scouts and discussions with them at the ball games. The ones that did come to the house would chat, watch ESPN, eat my snacks ---- give eye and profile tests. I enjoyed the discussions. No big deal. Big Grin


We must have had the same scouts. Big Grin
Well, we are experiencing the home visits ourselves for the 1st time. So far we have had 7 visits and 1 team has to call back for an updated appt. It is amazing how much difference each scout had to say overall. We have received valuable information from each visit so far. Sometimes it is nice to receive confirmation from "Professional Scouts" things you have hinted or said to your prospective sons. Not that you need that confirmation but it is always nice to have the outsider looking in confirm what you have hinted all along. This will be a very busy "Senior" season. I am so exited for all of you having a "2007" graduate!
As 20dad said it is "kinda cool" at first. We had a few in 04 and in general it was a great experience for all of us.

We asked a lot of questions about the draft process, college scholarship plan, minor league life, health insurance, etc. The scouts we met with were very informative about these things.

They were much less informative as the draft got closer. This is the business side of the process. They expected some definite answers from us about round money, etc. but were very, very, vague about where their club was positioning our son. We learned a valuable lesson about this end of the business.

In the end my son chose college. In his case it was the right decision. He's eligible for the 07 draft and is now better prepared to deal with scouts, questionnaires, medical forms, psych tests, and visits.

Enjoy and good luck.
well for me it was easy, i pretty much knew i was gonna sign before the draft as many scouts were saying i was gonna be taken in the 2-5 round range so i knew if i was in that range i would sign. ended up going in the 4th round and signed for about 250K, plus 6600 a semester for college after baseball so it worked out pretty well, wasnt too hard of a decision for me, but as for advice as far as signing, you gotta kinda look at it like this, Chet Lemon gave me some advice at the all american game about signing, he said that if all you've ever envisioned yourself as is a pro baseball player and your committed to it, then go for it, but if you have other aspirations aside from baseball, go to college. For me it was never really a money issue, i probably would have signed for 100K out of high school, i have just never seen myself as doing anything else besides playing baseball, sure i have had 2 pretty bad seasons, but the way i look at it, i'm only supposed to be a sophmore in college this chances are this year would have been my first year with any real playing time at a D1 so its all a learning experience, and i figure in the 3-4 years it would have taken me to get through with college i can be 3-4 years closer to the big leagues, so to me it was a win-win situation. So i guess my advice is, if your in it for the money, go to college, you wont last in the minors, if your in it for love of the game and thats all u can see yourself doing, go for it! Just remember, baseball is a game that can humble you real quick, one minute your on top of the world, the next minute its got you in a sleeper hold trying to make you tap out, that was the biggest thing i had to learn coming out of high school was how to be humble and learn. Anyways enough of my ranting for now, good luck in your upcoming high school seasons!
but as for advice as far as signing, you gotta kinda look at it like this, Chet Lemon gave me some advice at the all american game about signing, he said that if all you've ever envisioned yourself as is a pro baseball player and your committed to it, then go for it, but if you have other aspirations aside from baseball, go to college

*********thanks for your post, and a sincere good luck in your quest. We will track you.

The quote from this fine young man as well as his whole entire text of the post is simply the most efficient reply I have heard regarding the "college vs. pro debate" we all get involved in. Be proud kid, you seem to have it all together. Smile
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
Can I ask some Question's?

Did you feel ready at 18 to enter the Minor league's?

Meaning, Were you Physically and Mentally Ready?

I understand what poster's are saying.
If you want to play Pro Ball,
Then play Pro Ball.

But I don't believe that you have more of a burning desire to play Pro Ball, Than the Player that goes to College first.
As far as being ready, i FELT ready both physically and mentally, but was i? not at all, its a BIG step from high school to pro ball, i mean i was playing on the biggest stages in high school ball against the best players but it doesnt even compare to pro ball and the challenge of playing and working out all day, even a lot of the college players that i play with arent even ready for it, its just a totally different world, regardless of if you come from high school or college its going to be a trial by fire of sorts just because of the challenge of playing everyday and learning the ropes of the minor leagues.
This is off topic, but following up on AHSpitcher17 post. I think the biggest challenge for my son is being away from home for so long.He leaves for spring training about March 1st and gets home end of Oct. He is heading out after New Years for winter work out and will be home for a couple weeks in Feb.
You better have burning desire to play pro ball because you don't play baseball, you live it 24/7.. your getting ready for a game,playing a game or traveling to a game .You work with baseball plyers,live with players,eat with players and socialize with players...not much else
Regardless of if you come from high school or college its going to be a trial by fire of sorts just because of the challenge of playing everyday and learning the ropes of the minor leagues.

I suggest to anyone if you live close to a Minor League ballpark
And would be willing to be a Host Family for minor league ballplayer's.
It's an eye opener.
We've hosted for the last couple year's.
We had live in Advisor's. LOL
We experienced our first in-home visit yesterday by a very nice young man(scout).

He was very informative, and it was also a pleasure to just keep quiet and watch my son deal with the situation by being honest, open, and very mature.

You do learn that you never know when they are watching(following) the player until they tell you directly. This particular organization started their follow as soon as spring of the sophomore season, and as many as 6 scouts from the organization have seen him play, from the local level scout to the national level scouts, to date.

It was a nice experience. Smile

Scouts begin home visits for HS players when your son is a senior. It can happen at anytime, or not happen at all. Lots of times they also want to see where the player will commit to play, or not commit at all.

I am sure that the very top recruits in the country may have contact junior year.
Interesting to read that Andrew Miller, drafted by the Tigers, did say he never spoke with them before he was drafted.

The draft is based on availablity, who is available at what time during the draft. Who will be a sure sign and who may not. All these things mean something.
Sometimes scouts are very quiet about their picks, am not sure, but I have heard this. They will not always make contact for their own reasons.
But you can be assured they are watching and doing their homework.
just reading this post.started thinking back to my kids being old enough to play pass in the front yard,then to little league. next thing scouts in the living room. great ride.
strange how this ride goes from hoping you make a little league team ,to making the varsity can i play in college ? to getting the chance to make a living playing the same game they did as a ten year old.

i always told my boys the best thing i know they can do is play high school varsity baseball.that was my lofty goal.but realistic. funny what happens when your not looking.
First I'd like to thank everyone(Parents/Players/Coaches) for sharing your baseball experience with other (Parents/Players/Coaches). The info that your're giving is priceless!!!

My son is only 12(he looks like he 14-15) and Iam reciveing e-mails allready from high school/AAU caoches. My boy will be trying out for the freshman Baseball team in Feb, I dont want to rush him or anything like that. the only thing and this is where you guys come in, My son will miss out on his last year of little league and jump staight to freashman baseball if he make the team....You tell me good or bad???

EDIT: These kids are real BLESSINGS!!!! I hope I dont start sobbing seeing a scout in my livingroom to visit mt son.LOL

If HS coaches in CIF are recruiting your son or contacting you about playing baseball and you don't live in their school boundaries.. And any one complains... There will be trouble brewing... Also only HS Freshman are allowed to play CIF sanctioned Freshman teams...

A lot of districts however do not sanction FRESHMAN teams, (I think its monetary reasons) and so the coaches will SET up essentailly a TRAVEL team... AAU or some other organization. So it is no different from any other travel team except the HS coaches organize it, and do not have to follow CIF or NFHS rules, other than for the number of existing players within their own HS... (Now the coach will probably not be officially affiliated with the school, other than in contact with the head coach). Its not in the true sense of the word a HS sponsored team.

Now exposure in front of the HS coach or someone associated with him is never a bad idea.

I've always expounded play at the highest level you can honestly compete at...

Oh and BTW One of my sons left LL at 10 years old... the other at 9.

Wasn't a bad thing at all....

And don't even dream of scouts in your living room yet.... you've got 4 or 5 years before you even consider such a thing...
Thanks for your reply SDBBWF

The coaches that are in contact with us are the coaches from the highschool my son will be attending after 9th grade.

I think we my still do the LL thing one last time it allows my boy to get reps in during the week plus build up confidence then in our Sunday Travelball game he'll be ready to roll.

Oh about the scout sitting in my living room I've allways been a visionary and I belive If you can see it in your head(along with pratice and hard work) you can make that dream come true in fact the only person that can stop you is youself. I played a high level of football,my cousin is a starting MLB player so for us its not about the physical side of the game.....its the mental

(Lord willing)
Dude I can see that scout at my dooe step right now!!!!
Originally posted by SDBB:

And don't even dream of scouts in your living room yet.... you've got 4 or 5 years before you even consider such a thing...

Welcome to the HSBBW.

Don't rush a thing, good time's ahead??
Let him play.
That's were the Fun is.
Just keep them playing!!

********* SmileMy son is 18, and just yesterday, he was 13 in travel ball. That was a fast 5 years!!
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
There seems to be some confusion regarding the necessity of home visits, when they start and importance of it if being drafted. Just because it is son's draft year does not consider him a prospect.

I know players that were drafted in high rounds and never visited by that particular team. I know players visited by every team who were never drafted. Depends on the teams needs as well. And the situation of the player as a prospect.

Also, a lot depends on your area. There may be one scout for a larger area, therefore they might visit early, because in spring he has a busy schedule. Some scouts use this time because there is no baseball being played.

Others wait until season begins, there are no set rules. Others don't make visits unless the players are high consideration.

Personally, we found scouts that visited during season to be better visits. And I also feel that while visits serve a purpose for the scout to meet the player and family, it also can serve as an elimination process. If you give strong indications that son would rather go to college than consider signing after HS, the scout might move onto a player that is more willing to sign.

To answer question, anytime up until draft time is when you can expect a visit.

I am not stating this as fact, just my opinion.
Thankyou so much. I jusy found this web site and love it. We are from IL. SO MAYBE NOT MANY SCOUTS! My son has had several collage offers, has not signed with any yet! The reason being is a scout told him to wait and see what other options come his way. Have you ever heard of that? I dont hear of many getting drafted from IL. or Iowa! Merry Christmas to you
Waiting is always an option. There is nothing written anywhere that says you have to sign early. My son just happened to get an offer from a school that he really wanted to go to so it was an easy decision for him. If he had not received an offer from a school that he was comfortable with, I would have advised him to wait.

We are in the same State as you and I can tell you that there are 10 HS pitchers who could potentially get drafted this spring. It is a strong crop comparable to many other sunbelt States. Signability issues will probably limit who ultimately gets drafted. There is great info on this site from many people who have been through it.

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