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HS Summer League has come a long way, and I hope it can become even better. If the coaches who run it keep on working at it like they have it will continue to grow. For many kids it is the best place to be, and the addition of the Soph. League was a great move as that age group doesn't have as many options (no Legion.)

Unfortunately, each school is different and if you are fortunate enough to play at a school where the coach takes it seriously, then it can be very good. On the other hand, I've seen far too many Varsity Summer League games with Freshman of average ability playing.

Hopefully it will get stronger and stronger to the point where these teams have their best kids all the time instead of just when the playoffs start. It would also be better if all the schools really tried hard to compete.
With all due respect, I think Summer League has a different agenda than other travel ball, in that its focus seems on the most part to be more developmental. Our school is a no cut summer league program and as such, there is usually a couple of players there that won't make the school team and do get a chance to play. That being said, I am glad to see an outlet where sometimes previously less talented players get a chance to play and improve their skills without the pressure of winning.

From a developmental perspective, I can tell you from coaching a number of years in basketball, in both competitive and developmental leagues, that there is a different aura and pressure level on the player when the focus isn't winning. It's also a chance for the higher end players to vest themselves into developing the lower echelon players as they buy into the program that we will only be as good as our weakest link. From that standpoint the better players don't resent bench time in favor of making the team better.

I can tell you from experience that the parents of higher end players have more problems with this format than the kids. The great benefit to all, is that it becomes easier to spot emerging talent, develop its potential, and bring cohesiveness to the kids involved. JMHO

I don't know that I disagree with you at all. My comments were strictly regarding which was a "higher level of play" and I agree that doesn't mean that in the long run Summer League may benefit some kids more than Travel wiil.

Certain players of "Elite" ability are great when it comes to talking with and helping other players. Many others and for many reasons are not so good at it or willing to do so.

A coach who builds his program through Summer League is making it worthwhile for the kids to be there. Not all programs are that well run.

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