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Hope everyone is surviving the snow.

Always get great advice here, you're all generous with info & feedback so reaching out:


Our son received an invitation for SelectFest.  

I saw some old posts on this event,

has anyone's son been to SelectFest recently and what did you think of it?


Appreciate it.


CatcherDad 2015

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's been six years. Select Fest is a don't miss showcase. Did you see the list of schools that historically participate. It's typically every school east of the Mississippi you would want to have there. Do you still need a scout's referral? Get your application in asap with a quality reference. Applying doesn't guarantee acceptance. Your best bet is if your son's travel coach has some pull with them.


Thank you, appreciate feedback.


Here are the answers to your questions:


1- He has good references, MLB scout and Scouting Bureau, and Travel coaches.


2- He is catching for a highly ranked/nationally ranked team with a respected coach.


3- He is a 2015


4- received an email yesterday.


Follow-up question,

did your son(s) do both the Skills day and the Games days?



Originally Posted by RJM:

1) both


2) New Jersey

I did not see price, does anyone know how much?

First day pitchers only get 5-7 on gun. Seems low to me. Kids will just be throwing hard for a number. My son went to one big D1 showcase and they had a gun but pitched quite a lot and they were calling pitches, locations so they could see what kids had. 

It did say they play games second day so hopefully pitchers do well in their inning( maybe 2 ). I guess if they see something they like they ask for schedule and hopefully see them pitch in real game in MULTI innings. 

Did it say 150 come?  Hard to get noticed w that many unless u have something pretty special.

It is true that a good travel coach can help get you invited. My son's travel team had 10 Juniors on the team and they all got an invitation, they were all good ball players 9 went D1 and one went D2 but without the coaches help I doubt they would all have received an is that competitive to get least it use to be...but I think it still is.
Originally Posted by RJM:

It's been six years. Select Fest is a don't miss showcase. Did you see the list of schools that historically participate. It's typically every school east of the Mississippi you would want to have there. Do you still need a scout's referral? Get your application in asap with a quality reference. Applying doesn't guarantee acceptance. Your best bet is if your son's travel coach has some pull with them.


My son went 5 years ago. Almost all his major interest was generated between the Area Code tryouts the weekend before and SelectFest. For him it was a very important event. Having a good recommendation is important and pro scouts and certain travel teams would be the way to go to get the necessary recommendation. IMHO, a very worthwhile events with lots of college and pro scouts. 


My son did both the skills day and the game days. Being he was 2-way, they had him hit, run, and pitch on the skills day, and he threw the last inning in 2 of the games they played on Saturday and Sunday, but did not hit or play the field. I don't know if they still do that. From what I remember, pitchers pitched 2 innings, leaving one inning to "close" in 9 inning games.

Last edited by birdman14
Originally Posted by HawksCoach:

2013 did both Area Code and Selectfest so hard to know if interest came from one or the other.  They are both on the MUST DO list for those in the NYC/northeast.  Each event had representation from 75-100 schools and many pro teams.  Both are right before the July 1 call date for the 2015 class.  

I would agree with what you are saying. Lots of the same scouts and colleges were at both events. I think that the players performance at one event was then either confirmed or not confirmed after the next event the following weekend. Our experience was that the offers only came in after the SelectFest (2nd) event.

@ Birdman & Hawks,


Thanks, valuable & informative replies/post

Reading all of the above we are excited our son was invited to both.


Going to the AC tryouts as a young soph and performing got him attention last spring, they remembered him and we hope spring Junior year is where it will happen with the schools he is interested in.


This fall 3 southern schools have told him he is a D-1 hitter & catcher,

however they are signing a comparably skilled in-state kid who is 1/2 the $,

which was disappointing,

he has taken it as challenge so that is a good reaction for a kid who did not get the news he hoped for.


{that should be a different thread }


@ MidAtlanticDad,


Yes, they told our son he had to enter the specific Invite Code they sent him or the registration would be denied.


Last year a scout said he invited 1 kid from a particular team and it looked like that player's entire team listed this scouts name online as inviting them &  registered  / showed up.


Am sure the players at all tryouts will be as good or better than last year.

Son said it was the most talented group he has seen on 1 field at any showcase/event.


Best of luck to all HS BBweb players (and their parents) at the 2014 AC tryouts.



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