- Unless a business has been approved by MN-Mom and has sponsored this site, as several valuable members have, you are not going to use the hsbaseballweb as your venue for self-promotion of your business interest.
- Mention of some business or organization is agreeable as long as that mention doesn't hijack threads with various agendas designed to promote one's business.
- We will not digress to last year's inundation of the hsbaseballweb by members of an organization whereby their agenda became the focal point promoted in the Illinois Forum!
- Citing your expert versus a hsbaseballweb member ... then proclaiming the validity of one's argument while noting that such and such is on your organization's advisory staff is yet another attempt at self-promotion.
Again, this is an attempt to make everyone aware that our guidelines will be adheared to. Many if not most member of this forum are open to discussion and agree to disagree even when it comes to the Sox and Cubs. (Naturally, my CARDINALS are left out of it because they won THE WORLD SERIES! lol!) In fact, such discussion is welcomed. Many, if not most, members promote their child's teams be it highschool or travel or... Active members in the past few year have adheared to the guidelines and while we know what organizations they serve, they hesitate to blantently use this site as their personal message board. I appreciate that. To do otherwise would mean that they would no longer be welcomed on the hsbaseballweb. One would hope that this message serves it's purpose.
Darrell Butler